Size matters, size matters not…Who cares?

It is n open secret a lot of men are very concerned about the size of their penis. To be more precise, they are preoccupied with other men's size - you live, you compare. The never-ending interest is explained with several various factors. First and foremost, almost all men want their pride to be 'normal' - not worse than anyone else's. Furthermore, men want to be adequate from the point of view of love skills. It is generally believed the larger the penis is the better. A big penis is believed to give more pleasure to women. In fact, size does not have a special physiological significance, although it can definitely exert either a positive or a negative influence. Vagina adjusts well both to big and small diameter penis. The penis length is not extremely important either, because nerve endings near the uterus cervix are not numerous. Men's wish to have a big penis can also be explained with mere ambition. Some men believe they could be more sexually attractive, if they had something bigger. These points of view are common with both straight and homosexual men.

Erotic books, adult movies and magazines often display extra-large male genitals - sometimes a lot larger than the natural size. To a certain extent, it reflects the triumph of dream over reality. On the other hand, it is a demonstration of cinematic and photographic special effects. Men should also bear in mind that their own penis always seems smaller to them in comparison to other men's genitals they can see in locker rooms, showers or TV screens - the angle of viewing is different.

A group of Canadian scientists has recently studied the influence of penis size on sexual excitement. They determined the reading of erotic stories about the issue of size did not influence the excitement of either male or female students. Researchers came to conclusion the importance of the penis size is as little psychologically as it is little physically.

Sometimes men's penis can be absolutely normal in structure, but very tiny in size - less than two centimeters, a micropenis, so to speak. Such an anomaly can be caused with the lack of testosterone at times - it can be cured. Yet, pills, cremes, mechanical devices, etc are useless in certain cases.

If a man is too much preoccupied with the size of his penis, sexual problems are more likely to develop for him. They may vary from depression to fear of impotence or erectile dysfunction.

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