Foreign Currency Exchange Rates Fixed by Central Bank of Russia - 7 April, 2003

The Central Bank of Russia fixed, effective April 8th, 2003, the following rates of exchange of foreign currencies to the rouble of the Russian Federation:

1 Australian dollar 18.6490 roubles 1 British pound sterling 48.6589 roubles 1,000 Belarussian 15.5815 roubles roubles 10 Danish krone 44.6790 roubles 1 US dollar 31.2798 roubles 1 EURO 33.1941 roubles 100 Icelandic krones 39.6549 roubles 100 Kazakh tenge 20.5284 roubles 1 Canadian dollar 21.0653 roubles 10 Norwegian krones 42.7232 roubles 1 unit of conditional

drawing rights 42.6093 roubles 1 Singapore dollar 17.5591 roubles 1,000,000 Turkish liras 18.9460 roubles 10 Ukrainian hryvnias 58.3056 roubles 10 Swedish kronas 36.1508 roubles 1 Swiss franc 22.3236 roubles 100 Japanese yen 25.8874 roubles

The foreign currency exchange rates to the rouble of the Russian Federation are fixed for the purposes of accounting and customs duty payments and entail no obligation on the part of the Bank of Russia to buy or sell the currencies according to the above rates.

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