Snowfall hits Rome

In line with weather forecasts, snow has appeared in many areas of Italy, including in low-lying zones. Snow decorated Rome and the city's sights for a short time, but there have been no reports of traffic difficulties.

The situation in other regions is much more worrying. It has been snowing in the centre of Sardinia for 16 hours, forcing traffic police to close several major roads to traffic. Bad weather in Calabria is causing damage, above all in the area of Cosenza (where, although it has yet to overflow, the River Crati is causing concern) and in the areas of Catanzaro (where landslides have been reported), ANSAmed reports.

Snow has been falling steadily over Rome for the first time since 2005—and at its heaviest in 24 years. The snow has naturally thrilled Romans and tourists alike, that the Pope himself was spotted peering out of a Vatican window, Reuters reports.

Like D.C., Rome isn’t used to dealing with more than a few flurries, so roads are backed up with traffic. Buses and the metro are running with limited delays and the Colosseum is temporarily shut. Ciampino airport was closed this morning, but has since reopened, informs.

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