Hilary Duff's father to be jailed for ten days for contempt of court

A judge in Texas has ordered the father of actress and singer Hilary Duff to spend 10 days in jail for contempt of court.

Bob Duff was led away in handcuffs Wednesday during a court hearing after Judge Thomas Stansbury in Houston determined he violated an injunction against selling assets without court approval.

The Houston Chronicle reported in its online edition that Bob Duff must pay into a court repository $367,537 he earned from selling stocks last month.

Bob Duff's attorney Robert Piro said his client would post bond and file an appeal.

Bob and Susan Duff are in the midst of a bitter divorce.

Stansbury determined Bob Duff should pay Susan $12,500 for Hilary's birthday party, which was the subject of the hearing. Her mother wanted $25,000 to pay for a present and party.

Neither Hilary, whose 21st birthday is Sept. 28, nor her sister Haylie were in court.

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Author`s name Angela Antonova