Reese enjoys being part of great action

Reese enjoys being part of great action
Reese enjoys being part of great action

Reese, 32, commented her role as an Avon ambassador: “I’ve always been very focused on creating positive images and doing things to give back to women.”

The actress said that she was very excited to be partnering with the Avon Foundation and to help them continue to affect real change.

 “I feel a great responsibility in my own life to give back to society. As the Honorary Chairman of the Avon Foundation, one of my first experiences last year was to meet Avon Walk walkers at a training walk in Los Angeles. Now I am proud to support the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer here in Washington, D.C. and hope my presence can in some measure express my deep appreciation for all the women and men who participate in the Avon Walks, and for all of the people who dedicate their lives to breast cancer research and care.”

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