Putin did not set alarm clock to see disastrous Biden-Trump debate

Putin was sleeping when Biden and Trump were insulting each other

The debate between current and former US Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump, which took place last night, attracted global attention. There were neither spectators nor journalists in the room. Trump and Biden did not shake hands and could last only 20 minutes without insults.

Russia could only care less about the US debate

The debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump did not affect the Russian agenda, Kremlin's official spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters June 28.

"I don't think you could expect the president of Russia setting his alarm clock, waking up in the morning and watching the debate in the United States. These events are not on our agenda. We have many issues that are important for our country and relevant to us. These are the issues that our president deals with,” he said.

Dmitry Peskov refused to give any assessment of the debate.

"This is an internal matter of the United States, an election campaign of the United States. We have never interfered in US election campaigns. If you remember, there were investigations in the United States, where many blamed Russia. They carried out expensive campaigns and then they came to conclusion that no interference had been recorded,” Peskov said. "We're not going to do it this time either," he added.

At the same time, Peskov promised to see what US officials said following the results of the Biden-Trump debate.

China calls Biden-Trump debate 'reality show'

China's Global Times publication assumed as a result of the debate that the audience's attention was focused on the physical shape of the sitting and former presidents.

"The focus on age highlighted the phenomenon of gerontocracy in US politics, which also showed a significant flaw in the self-proclaimed democratic political system," the publication noted with reference to Chinese experts.

The article also stated that such televised events were similar to reality shows, because political issues were pushed into the background. It was the fight between BIden and Trump that received most attention, the Chinese publication concluded.

Spain calls the debate a disaster for Biden

According to Pablo Pardo, a columnist for Spanish publication El Mundo, the US Democratic Party hoped that the debate would help dispel doubts about Biden's ability to run for a second term.

"This is what happened in a way: he dispelled doubts. Not all, but many,” Pardo sneered and drew attention to the fact that the president's physical condition worried politicians in many Western countries.

The columnist also mockingly called Biden's speech historic and said that it was not just bad, but terrible. He also found that during the debate, Biden repeatedly "looked at Trump with his mouth open, as if he could not understand what the Republican was saying." According to Pardo, even though Trump would answer many questions inappropriately, it was Trump that appeared to be a good speaker to viewers. The debate was a disaster for Biden, the Spanish columnist concluded.

Trump was more aggressive than Biden

According to Indian publication Hindustan Times, the debate was important, as the confrontation between Biden and Trump could turn the tide of the election campaign. Indian journalists noted that the current US president froze several times during the debate. Biden froze for a few seconds when answering a question about economy, and his opponents were happy to see that.

"Most of the time he stumbled during exchanges over key numbers, like the amount of new jobs created under his administration, caps for out-of-pocket drug costs and insulin that are key pillars of his reelection bid," Hindustan Times said.

At the same time, according to the publication, despite the fact that Biden insulted his opponent several times during the debate, Trump behaved more aggressively, repeatedly deviated from the given topic and told lies.

Germany shocked by Biden-Trump debate

German publication Der Spiegel wrote that the Biden-Trump debate shocked Germans. One of the potential candidates looked "decrepit and unpredictable” whereas the other one lied.

"Democrats must look for an alternative to him. Otherwise, they are paving the way for Donald Trump to the Oval Office,” Der Spiegel columnist Rene Pfister assumed in an article headlined "Biden should do the world a favor and surrender.”

Germany fears that Trump may become president of the United States again, the German columnist noted. Der Spiegel called such a scenario "a historical tragedy that will affect the whole world.”

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Author`s name Andrey Mihayloff
Editor Dmitry Sudakov