Terrorist false flag operation in the works?


The Undeclared War

by Konstantyn Scheglikov

The undeclared /silent/ war aimed for total elimination of the Libyan people continues. Libyans refused to serve former colonists. They obtained their freedom and they won't give it up.

Since August 21st, joint squads of NATO and Al-Quaeda, with the support of air force and marine artillery, try to gain control of Tripoli, along with continuous attempts to take over other Libyan cities. The NATO strike force takes part in all attacks. In spite of all the above mentioned, resistance to fascist aggression in Libya only increases.

NATO continues massive air strikes for total destruction of Libyan cities. The goal is to wipe out Tripoli entirely as a punishment for resistance. All this aggression is hardly covered by western mass media.

Recently two "media bombs" struck Libya: first with about 50,000 rebels in underground tunnels beneath Tripoli and second-about Gaddafi's planned terrorist attack on September 1st.

During guerrilla war when enemy air forces control all air space, it is impossible to host so many fugitives and transfer them anywhere in the city. Moreover, after all the atrocities committed by NATO and Al-Quaeda slayers, no one will capture them-hatred towards killers and dismemberers is enormous even with mostly calm and peaceful people. NATO will declare their collateral damage exactly as planned to pass it off as "Gaddafi regime atrocities."

WWII started on September 1st 1939. Now it seems that the war in Libya is transferring to another phase. Ramadan is over and Muslim people now can fight with full strength.

Following that, NATO and Al-Quaeda gangs will be kicked out of these districts in Tripoli that they still hold because those hitmen don't control the entire city. They only loot, destroy and kill. NATO simply gifted the city to these looters by appointing Abdul Al-Khakim Belkhadge as their keader calling him Tripoli's "military governor."

It is not a secret that this man is one of the heads of a terrorist group closely linked to Al-Quaeda. But soldiers and officers of NATO themselves also do a fair share of looting and killing. We know their capabilities thanks to reports from Afghanistan, Iraq, Abu-Greib and Guantanamo prisons.

NATO enforced the release from Tripoli jails of no less than 10,000 inmates--triggermen and criminals. They supplied them with arms and a chance for looting and elimination of civilians, creating total havoc. It is one of the leading methods of "war" practicced by the West.

This is always the method they use in combat-someone else does the dirty work, while they foment and encourage this activity in every victim country selected as targets in various conflicts

These criminals and triggermen are led by Al-Qaeda, which was given a blank cheque. And now Al-Qaeda triggermen under NATO cover and an information blockade are butchering everyone in Tripoli they can reach.

NATO encourages these actions. They are incorporated into NATO's War-Leading Doctrine-to terrorize the habitants. NATO considers that this way they can force Libyans to surrender as well as betray others. But turnbacks are in a minority.

Militiamen and the Army are combating, they are deceiving NATO and Al Qaeda triggermen. Gaddafi himself and his sons and his squadrons move all over Tripoli, being unseen by the rats.

NATO is planning to commit a terrorist attack in Tripoli. What will it be, carpet bombing or mining buildings, we will know on September 1, 2011. They will destroy the city and its civilians, and they will destroy al-Qaeda militants to give a version of this attack as though it was committed by Gaddafi.

One can wonder whether al-Qaeda militants know that their masters from the CIA would not hesitate to sacrifice them and all those who had been released from prison and went into town to rob and kill. Will they be destroyed, mixed with the ground or burned?

Did you know that a terrorist attack in Tripoli by the hands of the Libyan army and militia is not possible at all? Unlike NATO, Gaddafi and his supporters will never kill innocent civilians. In fact, until now, despite the murders, not a single act of terrorism was enacted in Europe. Libyans can't kill women, children and the elderly. Only those who call themselves civilized can.

NATO stops at nothing to carry out the seizure of natural resources and the territory of a once independent country. And only international support for this country can stop it.

To win over NATO, fortitude and the desire to win is enough, plus allying against this enemy of mankind. Our voluntary participation in the war against the terrorist threat will help Libya to win and see what happens next.

I think that after all the crimes committed by NATO, NATO functionaries should be called warlords, and their soldiers and officers - called gunmen, who are after all, outside of the law, and therefore they are legitimate targets for any reasonable person who wants to live in a free world, not a police state.

While confronting the Nazi aggression in Libya, we are just beginning to discover its true scale. The Libyan people have already tasted the delights of forcible democratization in combination with bombs and ethnic cleansing. And they said: "No!"

No pasaran! The enemy will not pass!


As we learned from media reports, NATO will try to get a UN Security Council resolution to legitimize the present situation with the introduction of these new groups of terrorists under the pretext of Al-Qaeda seizing power in Libya.

Of course, NATO troops will not distract al-Qaeda from slaughtering the local population after the resolution. Even now, they actively cooperate with each other. NATO transfers all the captured Libyans into the hands of al-Qaeda militants, who behead them to intimidate local residents.

All this is happening with the approval of NATO functionaries who think that other people, besides Westerners, are subhuman. They have infected their employees with this notion too, including soldiers. That is why NATO troops commit grave crimes against humanity in all countries where they are present.

NATO should not get the UN Security Council resolution on the occupation and destruction of the Libyan people, not under any pretext.

Prepared for publication by:

Lisa Karpova


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Author`s name Lisa Karpova