Find Out How Strong Your Forehead Is!

As majority of people think, Russian vodka is the most popular remedy in this country. Connoisseurs say that it helps cure all diseases and ailments. Some people rub the back with vodka to soothe radiculitis; others prefer to apply vodka compresses. But majority of Russians prefer to take the popular medicine vodka in. They say, it wonderfully helps at happy or sorrowful times. It is no use to argue with people, as they seem to be better aware of the issue. As well, many people know in what troubles one can get if one doesn't know where to stop while drinking vodka.

A surprising incident occurred recently at the railway station of Vyazemskaya. A postal-baggage train stopped at the station on its way from the Russian city of Novosibirsk to Vladivostok. Some of the conductors from the train appealed to station guards for medical aid as they were seriously injured. The injured men explained that during a very long way they had drunk so much vodka that started dashing their foreheads against the glasses of the train windows. They say it was some kind of a contest initiated with a view to find out whose forehead was stronger. As it turned out during the "contest", their foreheads were all weak. The train glasses endured the attack, but the ill-starred conductors seriously suffered and were taken to a hospital.


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