The fund Public Opinion, which is very respectable and popular in Russia, carried out another opinion poll, devoted to the following subject: “Russia: What are we proud of and what are we ashamed of?” The first question in the poll was: “Have you ever been proud of your country, and if you have, was it seldom or often?” Fifty-one percent of the respondents gave a positive answer to the question, whereas 33% said they were not really often proud of Russia. Seven percent of the respondents were at a loss and nine percent said that being pride for Russia was out of the question for them.
The next question of the poll changed the picture, but the tendency was preserved anyway – the positive scepsis, whether those two notions could come together. The question was as follows: “What feeling did you experience most often about Russia – pride or shame?” Only 26% said they could boast of their feeling of pride, 39% said they were ashamed for the country in which they lived, and 24% experienced both shame and pride. Eleven percent of the respondents did not have anything to say on the subject.
Forty-eight percent of the respondents experienced the feeling of shame for Russia very often. There were only 16% of optimists and eight percent did not feel anything at all.
One of the most positive examples to illustrate this statistics is the victory in the World War II, first and foremost. The second place is taken by space exploration. The nostalgic feelings for the USSR come third. The pride for the Russian athletes is somewhere behind it and the power of the spirit of the nation, about which there are so many poems and songs, is somewhere at the bottom of the list. Why is it so?
There are a lot of reasons why, and we can not mention all of them. The attitude of the state to a human being: never-ending experiments with perestroika transformed the perception of the people, which eventually resulted in the spiritual nihilism of the society. Mass media played a negative role in this respect, the media outlets are really fond of digging in the dirt, and we are used to that dirt.
Who is going to unite the nation, who will give it the idea that our ancestors had? The state proved its feebleness and weakness, the church took its own position and does not move either backward or forward. The freedom of speech, which we were all so proud of, killed the nation. Russia's citizens defame their own country, and do not seem to care about it at all. This has become a usual thing, has it not?
Dmitry Litvinovich PRAVDA.Ru
Translated by Dmitry Sudakov
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