Saudi sisters to become brothers

Three sisters in Saudi Arabia have undergone sex change operation; the other two are also preparing to become men in the not so distant future, writes The Sydney Morning Herald with a reference to newspaper Okaz.

According to doctor Yassir Jamal this is not the first sex change operation in the country. However, this is the first case when all five children of one family are willing to undergo the procedure.

Doctors decided to operate the women after results of the tests indicated greater amount of male hormones in their bodies.

Surgeon Rida Matbuli of Abdel Aziz clinic stated that such surgeries are only permitted in case a patient suffers from some physical abnormalities. Any other reason for the sex change operation is considered “unlawful from medical and religious standpoints."

According to the sisters' relative, they will have more opportunities, since life of an ordinary woman in Saudi Arabia is full of restraints.

Women are not allowed to drive; they are obligated to wear only certain types of clothes and they are also forbidden to travel without husband’s or brother's permission.

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Author`s name Andrey Mikhailov