Communists Want to Clone Stalin

A solemn party took place in Moscow last weekend. The party was devoted to the 50th anniversary since the day of Joseph Stalin’s death. There were a lot of things said and songs sung at the party to praise the bygone leader. Someone even offered to clone him.

The party took place in the Moscow movie theatre Baku. There were such songs played during the meeting as “Steel Joseph,” “Will,” “Stalin the Commander.” People watched Stalin’s speeches on video screens. Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the Russian Communist Party, writer Vladimir Karpov and Stalin’s adopted son Artyom Sergeyev delivered their speeches. They called upon everyone not to “blacken history.” They said that Stalin’s terror and repression was an extremity of that era.

Alexander Kuvayev, the leader of Moscow communists, put forward a very weird suggestion – to clone Joseph Stalin. “Each and everyone of us knows that we have not fulfilled Stalin’s precepts. We have not preserved a great superpower. Yet, I am sure that we must raise our heads – we will win either way. Our country can not live without socialism and without the Soviet power,” Gennady Zyuganov, the leader of the Russian Communist Party said.

Communists spoke a lot about the situation with Iraq. “The world is on the edge of another big massacre today. There is no Fuhrer at present, but we have Bush,” Zyuganov said. The communist leader also pointed out that British Prime Minister Tony Blair lost his face, when he was trying to talk Europe into launching the war against itself: “This war is aimed against the entire system of international relations. If the Soviet Union still existed, this war would never occur to anyone,” said Zyuganov. He added that the Soviet Union used to threaten the USA to take adequate measures during the Middle East conflict: “The USSR set its Mediterranean Navy and several airborne units on high alert. The war was over in two hours,” stated Gennady Zyuganov.

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