US election puts US democracy to the test

US election comes as a test of the rule of law

The current electoral struggle between Donald Trump and Joe Biden for the White House is markedly different from all previous election campaigns in the United States. In fact, the current election campaign began immediately after Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 election. His opponents immediately launched a propaganda campaign against him, in which the 45th US president was portrayed as a villain who had concluded a secret alliance with the Kremlin.

No evidence of Trump's connections with the Kremlin was found, and Trump was strong enough not to fall in the battle.

The inauguration of President Trump on January 20, 2017 started a master class for so-called sovereign democracies on observing the principles of the rule of law.

It is difficult to imagine in the realities of Russia, Belarus or another state that goes along its "special path" that any branch of power, and even more so an ordinary citizen, can object to the sitting head of state.

The conflict that sparked between Donald Trump and one of his critics on Twitter became indicative for citizens of those countries whose ruling political elites profess principles of sovereign democracy. Trump then blocked the annoying hater.

Soon afterwards, though, the court forbade the head of state to block his followers, because the US president needs to be able to take any criticism. It is noteworthy that the blocked Twitter user was not even prosecuted "for insulting the authorities," and he could be held accountable for his words, if such a precedent took place in Russia.

Vigilance of observers

The coronavirus pandemic has definitely affected the choice of forms of expression of the will of citizens. Voting by mail, which many Americans resorted to, made its own adjustments to the vote count and gave rise to criticism. Experts revealed almost 2 million incidents of voting manipulations:

  • 353 counties of 29 US states had 1.8 million more ballots than the number of eligible citizens;
  • Texas had 187 ballots per 100 voters;
  • New Mexico had 177 per 100 voters;
  • South Dakota - 171 per 100 voters.

"We see the recklessness of blind mailing of newsletters and applications thanks to this study. Dirty voter lists mean dirty elections," said Judicial Observer Association chief Tom Fitton.

Faults were found, the media reported, authorities took note of it, and the judicial system will react accordingly, if it is confirmed that the law has been violated. The option of "minor violations" as an excuse to justify the inaction of the authorities in a democratic society will not work, especially against the background of mass demonstrations that supporters of both candidates arrange in the streets of US cities.

Waiting for the results

Interestingly, none of the candidates has made any clear statements about their victory. Given all the tension in the society, the candidates remain committed to the rules of the game.

Donald Trump has already pushed his army of lawyers to demand a recount in a number of states. Other procedures to question the results of the electoral process are likely to be launched - all this will postpone the official announcement of the voting results for a significant period.

Therefore, the rival of the 45th President of the United States is not in a hurry with festive fireworks. Joe Biden said that if he wins the election, he will become president for all Americans, regardless of their party preferences.

The test for the stability of the US government system is very indicative for other countries, especially for the ones that imitate signs of democracy, the rule of law and political competition.

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Author`s name Vasily Amirjanov