Sex with male bosses guarantees no career promotion

Male bosses often approach female office employees not merely as professionals but rather as an object of their sexual desires. However, it is also known that female bosses may sometimes concentrate their sexual expectations on male employees. At that, in most cases it turns out to be a myth when it is said that sex with a boss helps in career rise.

The first myth is that male bosses choose female personal secretaries not judging by their professional characteristics and try to guess at very beginning if any of them will agree to have sex with the boss. And this statement quite logically comes from employment ads in which men require that their personal secretaries must be nice-looking and diligent in the office at the same time. But we must agree that it is normal that every sane boss wants a nice-looking young woman receive visitors and partners in the reception. The reception is the face of every office that may suggest much information about a company to visitors. So, it is important that a reception secretary must look perfect.

A male boss is believed to be consistent in his thoughts and doings, and he expects return actions from his woman secretary. These are her conscientious skills in serving the boss and visitors with tea, coffee, juice and water; careful work with documents and contacts with business partners. No matter how hard her everyday work is a female secretary must be ready to carry out new commissions any moment and be always attractive and friendly.

And if it happens that a male boss offers his female secretary to have sex he does it merely to raise his self-appraisal as any other man would do. In this case, his secretary is just another instrument for his self-assertion. A clever girl who wishes no sex with her boss can and should make the situation take a different course. Since the epoch of Kleopatra woman knew how to manipulate man and at that let man think that it is he who manipulates.

Another myth about sex with male bosses is that girls’ readiness to accept sexual offers from bosses with no complexes at all guarantees the best and fastest career that a young woman can expect in business. Psychologists state that male bosses treat sex with their female employees absolutely differently as sex with their wives. This type of sex is rather spontaneous and men never take it seriously and do not think it is obliging.

It is a mistake for a girl to believe that sex may help her win the boss over to her side once and forever. Sex alone never guarantees a fast and successful career rise. Good career requires not only sexual talents but also brain and professional skills. However, there may be some exceptions as in any known rule. It is true that few male bosses are not manipulated by their penises but are guided with the reason.

And the last myth is that the director is like a sultan in a harem while female employees in the office are his concubines no matter if they like it or not. Often, people want to satisfy their own needs at other people’s expense, and it is the most disagreeable thing for the other people. When a boss, a sultan, claims sex from his female employees he treats it as just another service for him.

If a woman does not want to be one of the ‘harem’ she should try and make her male boss understand he is clever and successful in other spheres beyond sexual relations.

Women must remember that men think it is the most important thing for them to be declared the best in any kind of their activity. The popular legend saying that women love with their ears also suits for men. Men also expect their female colleagues to praise their professional skills, they do not want mere sex. Mere sex is the thing that can be bought. But an intellectual talk with a person who knows and understands your business cannot be bought. Or with other payment such as career promotion and other benefits. A woman in this case must demonstrate that listening to her talks is the most interesting thing to be done with her. Remember Cheherazade and tell new stories! This will give you an opportunity to initiate sex themselves when and with whom you want it.

Translated by Maria Gousseva

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov