This is our cow and we will milk it! - 17 December, 2002 - News

Do Russian communists not need the Chinese ones?

Russian State Duma has passed an address where it practically proposes to deprive the Chinese oil company CNPC of the right to participate in the auction where 74.95 percent of the Slavneft company state share holding will be exposed for sell. The address, passed with 255 votes “for” and 63 votes “opposite,” proposes to introduce a norm into Russian legislation, which would ban foreign companies with state share over 25 percent to participate in privatisation of state property. It is curious, that this resolution was unanimously supported by the communist faction.

I like Russian laws! If there is only a dangerous situation, one could easily take out some forgotten law and impressively crackle it. “State Duma supposes the ban to participate in state and municipal property privatisation, established by federal privatisation law, is being spread on foreign juridical persons with state share over 25 percent, too,” – deputies wrote in their address.

Analysers are sure of the Chinese company CNPC having no chances in such situation. It simply cannot participate in the auction. Which means, that Slavneft company will be bought by Sibneft company, in other words, by oligarch Roman Abramovich, who – and this is obvious – buys the company not for himself. I cannot understand one thing. Why did communists decide to help the enemy of working people?

Should I remember that Roman Abramovich is the member of “family”? (I mean the “family” of the first Russian president, Boris Yeltsin). And he is not only its member, he is its main treasurer. So, modesty of other Russian oligarchs who ceded the Slavneft to Abramovich is explicable. If not for Boris Yeltsin, there were no oligarchs at all. So, nobody would dare to intercept the “old-age insurance” from the “grandfather.” It is clear. Though, why the CPRF members?

The main trouble is that since recently, the “family” has some troubles in relations with the Kremlin. And this is spite that fact, that both the government and the presidential administration are overfilled with the “family” devoted people. Though, these devoted people, before they knew it, were surrounded by polite men with unremarkable appearance and good military carriage, and predominantly from St Petersburg. This circumstance probably binds initiative and hinders the “family” organism from its normal activity. All the more that St Petersburg favourites are very active in economical activity and could easily take away the richest pieces. So, the “family” needs a controlled “political tool,” with enough votes in the Duma.

If the hill will not come to Muhammad, Muhammad will come to the hill. But this time, both Muhammad and the hill came to meet each other. The CPRF apparatchiks seem to be tired of Zyuganov. Words are the same from year to year, while there is no money. While communists from the parliament faction would like to be “civilized,” to properly suit the new political system of Russia and to have from it their dividends. And here the wishes of the “people’s defenders” young generation happily coincides with finance possibilities and political aspirations of Yeltsin’s oligarchs. All the more that, in contrast to their older comrades, the younger generation of communists is not burdened with offence and anger. There is only one small thing: to ask the older to retire. And oligarchs are ready to help them in it, gratis.

Now, the CPRF openly plans its future “after Zyuganov.” The staff of the CPRF leadership is planned to be seriously changed at the beginning of next year.

The party new leadership will be built of moderate and pragmatic leaders, who assign priorities in another way and can find common language with “money bags.” Then, Communist Party will become a civilized party and perfectly add Putin’s United Russia. While the “family” will have its own party, defending “the country interests” at all levels of state power.

But what connection all this has with Slavneft company? All the more that Russian communists’ colleagues, Chinese communists, wanted to buy it? Alas, the time of communist solidarity of all workers are over. Today, Chinese communist and Russian communist are not brothers, but competitors. All the more that this is because of the Slavneft oil dollars that communists were promised to finance the party “reform” and their comfortable chairs in State Duma. So, comrades from Chinese Communist Party should move. Slavneft is not for them. This caw will be milked by somebody else.

Akhtyam Akhtyrov PRAVDA.Ru

Translated by Vera Solovieva

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