Trump plays Battleship to become master of all oceans

Donald Trump has promised to bring to life the most ambitious shipbuilding program that the United States has seen since the times of Ronald Reagan. The new American president, unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, who cut naval costs, intends to build as many as 70 new warships, including nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers and missile cruisers. The personnel of the US Navy will thus be increased by 50,000 people.

According to Trump, the project provides an opportunity to increase the number of jobs in the US. In addition, the White House will receive a lot more options of behavior in crisis situations by increasing the number of warships.

Pravda.Ru requested an expert opinion from candidate of political sciences, Alexander Bedritsky.

"Donald Trump has promised to increase the combat strength of US naval forces from 272 to 350 ships. Are the ships going to be built to counter China's growing regional influence?"

"No. The US Navy maintains its presence in several oceans to ensure permanent US presence in all oceans. Therefore, the decision to increase the fleet appears to be a move to strengthen US military presence around the world. This move is also a demonstration of force and capabilities of the United States as of a global power."

"In the US, many recall the historical precedent of the conspiracy between Nixon and Mao Zedong that made it possible to destroy the "communist bloc." Can this scenario repeat again?"

"I think that this scenario is impossible only because there is no communist bloc that can be destroyed. The relations between China and the US are mostly economic, and Trump has made it clear that there will be no political rapprochement between the two countries."

"Can Russia and the United States join forces against China?"

"Russia and the United States have no common interests. For the time being, the only common interest that the two countries share is the struggle against international terrorism. At the same time, after the events in Syria one can say that Russia and the USA see this problem differently too. Another sphere, where the two countries cooperate is the control on arms reduction and nuclear arsenals. Russia's relations with China ensure Russia's security in the east. A military alliance with the USA against China would be absurd."

"If Trump steps away from "one China" policy (recognition of Taiwan as part of China) after taking office, the Chinese people will demand the government should take revenge, The Global Times wrote. What do you think Donald Trump will do so?"

"It is difficult to say, because all the talk on the subject is nothing but newspaper speculations, and no real political moves have been made as of yet."

"Will Trump introduce a fee of 45% on imports of Chinese-made products? Will China respond?"

"This can be possible, because it would be a measure to boost domestic production. This is one of the main points of his program of the US economic recovery. China is a major holder of US securities, so a response can be tough. Yet, all this may happen only as a result of intense bilateral negotiations. A trade war would be equally painful for both the United States and China.


Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov