The EU sanctions on Russia extended until the end of January 2017. The six-month extension approved by the ambassadors. The Italian Massari: cease them when observed the Minsk Treaty. To verify who respects and who violates it.
The EU sanctions on Russia extended until the end of January 2017. The six-month extension approved by the ambassadors. The Italian Massari: cease them when observed the Minsk Treaty. To verify who respects and who violates it.
Russia and the ghosts of the Soviet Union. A European Union which only goes between opposing forces that suffers from the outside and at home. External pressures from the US and the NATO under their command, who has Russia as a strategic enemy on the eastern front. In the house of the Union, the clash of culture as well that of interests between the bearers of a vision of a Europe extended up to the Urals and the former satellites States of the former Soviet Union that move against Moscow ancient fears and scores to settle. Returns of Cold War that do injustice to History and politics.
The ambassadors of the 28 EU States, approved at a "technical level" the decision to renew the economic embargo against Moscow until mid-January 2017. France and Italy have not objected to the maneuver as it was thought the eve, asking only to be able to fight a bit at the European summit scheduled on 28 and 29 June. Baltic States and former Soviet satellites in the face to discuss who and how and how much violated the Minsk international agreements about eastern Ukraine and Crimea. The US-NATO interference begin to create more than some discomfort.
The move will refer the matter to autumn. Many governments seek a way to hang up the political and commercial dialogue with the Kremlin. The line defended by the Commission and by most countries of Central and Eastern Europe is that the embargo will only end when the Minsk agreement will be fully respected. Arbitrage definitely sided. In Paris as in Rome wins the realpolitik that points to the normalization of relations with the Kremlin. Some Italian political problems for the positions taken by minister Mogherini at odds with Rome.
The Italian action was clear for a time: right have a unified EU position on this issue, but then discuss it at the highest level, following the European summit. So each State assumes publicly its own responsibility. And that the decision on the embargo shall be part of the overall political reasons of Union towards Russia. This is why Italy has asked that "a short paragraph shall be added about Russia at the conclusions of the European summit" to establish a link between the implementation of the Minsk agreements and the penalties themselves. To seek for the true good and the true bad.
Note: Mr. Remondino, famous Italian journalist of RAI and war correspondent, has a very unique and captivating style of writing that sometimes it's hard to translate maintaining the musicality of words and phrases
Original article:
Mr. Remondino personal Blog (Italian only):
Translation by Costantino Ceoldo - Pravda.Ru freelance