
Russians adore Soviet symbols and despise swastika

Russians adore Soviet symbols and despise swastika

The All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center conducted a research to find out how Russian citizens treat symbols of various historical eras and trends. The research was conducted against the background of the recent banning of Soviet and communist symbols in Ukraine and a number of Baltic countries.

About 73% of the polled Russians said that they treat the hammer and sickle positively. Eleven percent of the polled said that they had negative feelings about the Soviet symbols, whereas six percent of the polled said that they do not think about the history of the symbol.

Sixty-six percent of respondents approve of the red five-pointed star, whereas eleven percent dislike the symbol.

The Russians are not very well aware of foreign symbols. The symbol of the United Nations Organization does not say anything to 24 percent of the polled, 17% did not approve of the symbol, and 44% perceived it positively.

Most of the polled Russians expressed their utterly negative attitude to swastika. Sixty-six percent of respondents said that the sign should be banned in Russia. Moreover, 20 percent of the polled demand the Ukrainian coat of arms should be banned in Russia as well.

The Russians approve of the cultures that they see close to their country. For example, 41% are positive about the Tatar crescent and 32% are comfortable about the six-pointed Star of David.

The research was conducted by the Russian public Opinion Research Center (WCIOM) among 1,600 people in 130 settlements in 46 regions of Russia.

Noteworthy, the Levada Center conducted another poll that showed that the number of those supporting the role of Stalin in the history of the nation had grown. In 2006, 42% expressed their support for Stalin and his policies, wheres in 2015, the percentage has grown to 52.

Incidentally, the Levada-Center conducted a nationwide survey in Russia that showed that the number of those who supported Stalin's role in the life and fate of the country increased. Positive attitude to Stalin has grown from 42% in 2006 to 52% in 2015.

"Now Russia is staying in a highly hostile environment, in which the population needs tough policies from the authorities to defend national interests and develop economy. The growth of Stalin's popularity expresses people's need in the strong hand, rather than in repression and denunciations. The people expect tough solutions for issues related to corruption and geopolitics," Sovietologist, Professor Kyle Dawson told Politonline.

Also read: Stalin: to live and intimidate was his triumph

Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov