Russia tests doomsday weapon, US tests Russia's ability to survive

US intelligence investigates the ability of state structures of Russia and China to survive a nuclear attack. The analysis is being conducted at the request from US Congress over concerns because of the growing military power of China and intentions of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The study conducted by the National Intelligence and Strategic Command of the United States will include the detection and description of underground facilities of political and military importance. The analysis will also assess the ability of Russian and Chinese administrations to survive.

Earlier, US President Donald Trump stated that the United States should strengthen and expand the nation's nuclear capacity. "Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all," Trump said during his election campaign.

Experts fear that the new American leader may reverse nearly 50 years of USA's activities to cut nuclear arms.

According to CBS, the US Strategic Command takes daily effort to get ready for a possible nuclear war with Russia. The US also takes exceptional measures to make those in charge nuclear buttons to execute the terrible order.

Earlier, the States conducted combat forecasting of Bear Spear Operation. The goal of the exercise was to simulate a rapid and partially-nuclear attack on Russia. As a result, the US could not strike a sudden, disarming and unanswerable blow; both the United States and the Russian Federation were wiped off the face of earth as a result of the analysis.

Not so long ago, the Russian Federation conducted exercises to repel a nuclear attack on Moscow and strike a retaliatory thermonuclear attack on the enemy. In the course of the operations, Russia tested the Perimeter System, known as the "doomsday weapon" or the "dead hand". The system assesses the situation in the country and gives a command to strike a retaliatory blow on the enemy automatically. Thus, the enemy will not be able to attack Russia and stay alive.

"Nuclear weapons still remain the only weapons of deterrence. It would be impossible for such a huge country as Russia - a huge, yet only a 150-million-strong country - to keep all its territories, if Russia had no nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons guarantee peace to a certain extent, and there is no other means of protection for Russia. It is the fear of mutual destruction that excludes nuclear war," writer Vladimir Gubarev told Pravda.Ru (Vladimir Gubarev is the only journalist, who was admitted at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant after the explosion).


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Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov