How to create a crisis and steal a nation

By Sam Sewell, Aristotle the Hun, The Rev. Big Goon and Good Shepherd Sam

"Se non и vero, и ben trovato."

43119.jpegNote: It will quickly be obvious to the reader why details have been obscured, omitted or fictionalized in this fascinating narrative of events that began nearly forty years ago and concludes with the results of the mid term elections in the United States.

Years ago I regularly played billiards with a Jewish friend from New York City who had an eccentric habit that augmented his skill with a cue stick and billiard balls. Whenever I called a shot, for instance "six ball in the corner pocket" he would hustle to that pocket and touch it while saying the word "Haman". Of course, this aroused my curiosity and when I asked him what he was doing he told me to read the Book of Ester from the Hebrew Scriptures. The Book of Esther is the only book in the Bible where "God" is not even mentioned. It is a story of political intrigue fueled by hatred. It also contains the most satisfying example of poetic justice in the world's ancient literature. For the reader to grasp to significance of the Haman story's relevance to the mid term elections in the United States you will need to carefully follow the plot and logic of events that began more than forty years ago.

Even small children know how to get what they want by creating a crisis. Witness any "temper tantrum." My wife and I teach parenting skills. One of our sayings which we recommend to parents when dealing with a child's "crisis strategy" is: "Poor planning on your part does not constitute a crisis on my part. No, you can't borrow $20 because you are broke, even if you did promise to take Betty Lou to the movies tonight." The child did not get their way. A similar "No!" needs to be said to adult politicians who have created a crisis to get their way.

Another example; Paris taxi-drivers, in protest against a police demand that they take physical examinations, threatened to obey every traffic law to the letter-which would, they vowed, produce the greatest traffic jam Paris had ever seen. The Taxi drivers got their way.

Creating a crisis to get one's way is a strategy as old as Moses calling down plagues upon Pharaoh and saying "Let my people go."

Rohm Emmanuel "we cannot let this financial crisis go to waste" It's obvious to anyone with half a brain that Obama is using a crisis strategy to further his liberal/socialist agenda

To better understand this fascinating story below we need some background information. In the late 1960s a pair of college professors who thought they were original thinkers came up with something called the Cloward-Piven Strategy (CPS), a strategy for forcing political change through orchestrated crisis. "Cloward-Piven's early promoters cited Chicago radical community organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration." Make the enemy (sic) live up to their own book of rules," Alinsky wrote in his 1989 book, Rules for Radicals. When pressed to honor every word of every law and statute, every Judaeo-Christian moral tenet, and every implicit promise of the liberal social contract, human agencies inevitably fall short. The system's failure to "live up" to its rule book can then be used to discredit it altogether, and to replace the capitalist "rule book" with a socialist one." Notice that Alinski might have heard about the Paris taxi drivers, and then gave their strategy a radical left twist.

Saul Alinsky had a huge influence on radical left people of the day. Alinsky was the subject of Hillary Clinton's senior honors thesis at Wellesley College. "In early 1993, the White House requested that Wellesley not release the thesis to anyone. Wellesley complied, instituting a new rule that closed access to the thesis of any sitting U.S. president or first lady, a rule that in practice applied only to Rodham." Alinski also strongly influenced a young Chicago "community organizer" named Barack Obama.

An old friend from my spooky past, who was a fellow student at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, recently reminded me of his adventures back in the early 1970s. If you did not know that clergy are used for intelligence and undercover missions, it is probably because the double life of clergy/spies is seldom exposed. However history gives us a dramatic example. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor, theologian, and spy. He was also involved in the German Resistance movement against Nazism and a founding member of the Confessing Church. His involvement in plans by members of the Abwehr (the German Military Intelligence Office) to assassinate Adolf Hitler resulted in his arrest in April 1943 and his subsequent execution by hanging in April 1945, twenty-three days before the Nazis' surrender.

Historical Background
Believe it or not these decades old events, told below by an Intelligence Officer with the code name The Rev. Big Goon, help explain our present political and economic crisis.

Dear Aristotle the Hun

I've been doing some thinking that I thought I would share with you. My memories of the work I was doing when we knew each other at UMKC have really helped inform me about our present situation with our current President and the financial crisis.

I have visited "The Steady Drip" many times and I know your reputation for accurate research, so you will find citations included to back up what I have to say. I noticed that on your blog you have expressed suspicions about the onset of the financial meltdown just in time to help Obama get elected. You also expressed suspicions about the most liberal President and Congress in the history of the nation conveniently coming into office at a time when the economy was so wounded that it might be possible to establish a socialist economic system. Just how "lucky" can these liberals get?

What I have to say may help you understand the dynamics, but I doubt it will do away with your suspicions. Being suspicious is a job requirement for both Clergy and Intelligence work. I also know you are well connected to the Internet community and influential bloggers, so you have my permission to use my comments as you see fit.

Here is my story: I arrived in Kansas City, Mo. in May of 1970, shortly after the first bombing done by a group of left wing radicals. I worked for the Western Diocese of the Episcopal Church which sponsored the St. Thomas Student Center at UMKC. Naming an Episcopal student center after "Doubting Thomas" was glaringly appropriate for a college campus in the early 70s No, your readers can not ask about my real employer. (As the old joke goes; "If I told you I would have to kill you.")

The summer of 1970 in Kansas City was a really wild ride. In 1970 alone, an estimated 3,000 bombings and 50,000 bomb threats occurred in the United States, and Kansas City was not left out of the chaos. One of my assignments was to look into the activities of a group of radicals who, after they were arrested, became melodramatically known as "the Kansas City Four." They were really bungling, small time radicals. A legal case from those days survives on the Internet.

I began the process of establishing my cover. It was arranged for the FBI to contact known radicals in the community and ask them questions about me. My "case officer" posed as a state employee, so my monthly meetings at his office were open and aroused no suspicion. I was warmly accepted by the radical community, and even spent some time living at a place operated by young radicals called the Ecstatic Umbrella, until I found more permanent housing.

The Second Presbyterian Church at 52nd and Oak owned an apartment building, and one of the Kansas City bombers lived in that building. As well as doing my job as a campus chaplain, I became a youth pastor at Second Presbyterian, and took an apartment in their building. I must admit that I was very uncomfortable living in the same building with a LSD using, grass smoking alcoholic who I knew was making bombs in his bedroom.

Sam Sewell

To be continued

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov