US Ambassador declared persona non grata in Ukraine

Recently, leaders of the Communist Party of Ukraine addressed the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, asking to declare the US ambassador to Ukraine, Carlos Pasqual, persona non grata.

The reason of the request seems to be the fact that the US ambassador actively interferes in the state law-enforcement body’s work. As if the ambassador influenced passing some Ukrainian laws, in particular, the Land Code. As an example, leader of Ukrainian communists Peter Simonenko showed journalists at a press conference a copy of Carlos Pasqual’s letter addressed to the first vice-speaker of the parliament, Victor Medvedchuk, where dissatisfaction with the bill about producing and overturn of CD in Ukraine was expressed. Today, this conflict had a continuation. Of course, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry does not agree with the Communist Party’s declaration about Carlos Pasqual interference in Ukraine’s domestic affairs and does not consider the possibility of declaring him persona non grata. “This is not an interference but assistance directed to bettering our legislation,” spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Igor Dolgov commented the US ambassador’s activities. According to Dolgov, in his letter, Carlos Pasqual just pointed out defects of the bill, while such remarks are important for the Supreme Rada, because in Ukraine, there are no qualified specialists in the field of intellectual property. Dolgov also said that Ukraine must settle issues of intellectual property as soon as possible, because of the menace of economical sanctions. Here, one more detail is important. Igor Dolgov works as the foreign finistry spokesman 24 hours a day. Peter Simonnenko is people’s deputy of Ukraine, and he is the leader of the biggest faction of the parliament, including 112 people. Whom should we believe? Peter Simonenko states Carlos Pasqual hinders the Supreme Rada’s work, while the newly fledged functionary states counter.

Alexandr Gorobets PRAVDA.Ru Kiev Ukraine

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