Putin teaches Obama a lesson

Jackson Diehl, Deputy Editorial Page Editor of one of the most famous US newspapers The Washington Post, claimed that 'In the great American debate about Syria, there has been an intervention by Vladi­mir Putin - and it has made Barack Obama the loser'. As he noted in his article, since 2012 Obama has stubbornly insisted that the US shouldn't interfere in the Syrian civil war even within a limited scale, although many of his colleagues were convincing him to deploy the US Air Forces .Obama though asserted that it would escalate the conflict. Meanwhile, everything happened in the absence of American action. 'And now Putin has proved that the concept Obama rejected was right all along. The difference is that the result has been a victory for Russia, Iran and the Assad regime, at the expense of the United States and its Arab, Israeli and Turkish friends'.

The agreement which Kerry signed with the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in September, brought Putin everything he wanted to achieve, the journalist concluded. 'Now Putin is the one imposing political outcomes in regions the United States once dominated'. It should be noted that the Western media has been reporting lately quite often that Russia has restored almost all of its positions on the world stage, which can be evidenced by reviving economy, settlement of the Syrian crisis and the US presidential race.
