Physicists have a dark matter and space-time problem

By Gary Novak

Space-time is the real gravity, according to physicists. Why? Because of a drawing which looks like a vortex with a grid pattern across it. And the physics behind this drawing? It starts with two objects moving toward each other, which usually means persons on trains. Their motion relative to each other is different from their motion relative to something else. Relative means relativity. Viola. Space-time thus replaces gravity.

How does time create a vortex? Why not grampas face? The vortex is always where there is a mass. Does mass have something to do with space and time? Physicists have never said space-time has anything to do with mass, yet the vortex is always surrounding a mass.

Einstein made no measurements. There was no way to verify his claims until years later. Now days, physics prove Einstein to be correct every day. Their primary proof is that light bends around planets, just as Einstein predicted it would. Only space-time influences light, Newtonian gravity does not. This proves that Newton was crap and Einstein was a genius.

Optics is a branch of physics. It is based upon light bending as it passes through higher density matter. Is this because space-time bends in a prism? Maybe. I like that. This might be good for a new batch of lies. But that's getting ahead of the physics. No one has yet claimed that space-time bends light in a prism. Why then should space-time bend light around stars and galaxies? Is there no mass around stars and galaxies?

One method of moving through space is to catch ions from the sun, sort of like a sailboat in space. Ions are made of mass with charge. The sun is constantly emitting mass. You don't see it, because it takes the form of transparent gas. But there is enough of it throughout the solar system to move objects, if they have a large enough sail.

The entire basis of the big bang theory for the origins of the universe is a red shift which is noticeable in light from distant sources. Red shift means the wavelength of light is longer than it should be. The more distant objects have more red shift, which supposedly means they are moving away faster. This arrangement looks like an explosion to physicists, so they claim it all began with an explosion. Never mind the fact that such an explosion is physically impossible. Physics is not bound by the laws of physics. When the explosion occurred, most of the matter moved from the center of the explosion to its present location in almost no time, which is called inflation. It means the universe expanded without anything moving. Physicists can describe everything that occurred while all of this began, even though there were no laws of physics. Why wouldn't such brilliant physicists be experts at sorcery?

If stars are giving off mass, why wouldn't light bend while passing through the mass, as it does when passing through a prism? If light is slowed down by mass as it bends in a prism, why would not light be slowed down by mass as it moves through billions of light-years of space? If wavelength of light lengthens as it passes through a prism, why would not the wavelength of light lengthen as it passed through the matter in space creating a red shift? The answer is simple-there is no matter in space. Sure, 80% of all mass is invisible (it's called dark matter), but why would it be slowing down light as it travels billions of light-years through space?

Galaxies spin faster than they should. This is the primary basis for assuming dark matter exists. The speed at which orbiting objects move depends upon how close they are to the mass which they orbit. What does close mean? That depends upon the amount of mass. For a one gram object, close would be a few millimeters. For the sun, close is a few million kilometers. The difference is the mass. It means physicists can measure the mass being orbited by how fast objects rotate around it. When they do that, they find that there needs to be a lot more mass in galaxies to get stars to orbit them as fast as they are. They refer to the missing mass as dark matter.

Now look at the dilemma physicists have to deal with. There is matter which they can't see everywhere, which is four times as much as they can see. But it sure couldn't be slowing down light as it moves across the universe. Where is it supposed to be, if it is not slowing down light? It can't be near the stars and galaxies, as they bend light which passes near them due to space-time.

Here's what physicists end up with. They apply Newton's laws to the rotation of a galaxies and claim they need to have four times as much mass based on the speed of rotation. Why don't they just use Einstein's brilliance instead of Newton's laws? Mass has nothing to do with space-time. How fast should a galaxy rotate based on Einstein's wizardry. No one knows.

It seems that physicists need Newton's laws to solve problems, while space-time takes care of everything else. What is everything else? It's about 90% of physics. Some say relativity is 90% of physics. That's 90% welfare system and 10% work-Einstein's gift to physicists.

Gary Novak

Author`s name
Gary Novak