At the end he has it done. And not by a narrow margin! Those 279 Great Electors make the difference, I'll say! It's the difference between being seated at the White House as President instead of as a temporary guest. And so it's Donald Trump to be the new President of the United States. Not you, Hillary. The Donald sits in the Oval Office. You stay out Hillary, instead El Trumpissimo! (thanks to Pepe!) El Trumpissimo! is inside, looking comfortable! Him inside, you outside. Along with the weeds and other unnecessary things like scraps, poisonous snakes and useless old stuff.
by Costantino Ceoldo
Let's recap the great successes of Hillary Clinton, that led her to her... er... "no-win".
The scandal of email managed with a private server instead of a government one. The sexual habits of Anthony Weiner, the husband pig and paedophile of her personal assistant Huma Abedin. The acquaintances and the impossible links of the same Abedin with the House of Saud and the connected galaxy of Wahhabi terrorism that found in the Saud major supporters and funders. The other acquaintances, those of John Podesta, who according to Wikileaks implicating also Marina Abramovic, known for her extreme "artistic" representations and spiritual (or spiritic?) dinners with ingredients at least questionable. The impressive number of dead bodies that were floating all around her, all connected in some way to the email scandal. The poor health, a past stroke, the strange "pneumonia" infecting only her, the diction sometimes a little uncertain and gibbering, the giant doctor at her side with a syringe always ready for use.
For sure all of the feminists (of course in the left) don't celebrate, all of the progressives, the defenders of "diverse" of any kind, place and race and the friends of the immigrants. The true "democrats" are in mourning and with their eyes full of tears they can't rise to the sky goblets filled with the best vintage champagne (who can afford it) or low-quality wine made in a factory with dirty water and some effervescent sachet (all the others).
Because this is a time of celebration but for the opposite side only. That of El Trumpissimo!, certainly not theirs.
It will be that I find the term gerontocracy increasingly obnoxious and Hillary is not a fresh rose petal. I know, Trump too is not a young guy but in any case she had already tried once being torpedoed to make way for Obama. And before it, she was a minister in the administration of her husband Bill. I say, it is not that you have to get the voters through bulging!
It will be that I like even less all her turn around the Saudis... the Saudis! Those ones there well in the middle of the desert, those who drink camel urine because they think it is a kind of elixir of life, between a severed head and the other, between a battered woman and another killed stoned for adultery. The Saudis! Those are stuck in the Middle Ages of the Middle Ages about the relations between men and women and also for everything else!
It will be that I remember what she said thinking of being Caesar, the day that she landed at Tripoli airport shortly after Gaddafi was killed with a knife in the backside. It would be to shut her up in a psychiatric prison and throw away the key saw what she had just said and done but no. Stainless. Gone with the wind. All but Scarlett O'Hara that tomorrow is another day.
It will be that, for me, one that calls "deplorables" all those who are poor or belong to that family now clearly large enough that not stand and do not vote for her, such a person I say can govern only the bathroom of her home.
It will be that I can not stand for her anymore, because with time I convinced myself that she's false, lying, hateful and have the blood of others that come to her elbows. In short: simply bad.
It will be for all of these reasons, but guys I'm glad that Hillary did not win the election. And while you are there, while I toast with the best vintage champagne sidelined by my grandfather for a sunny day and party, I wonder what will happen now.
Will the old witch put it away or try to do a crazy shot?
The money of Soros will finally be spent on finding a cure for cancer or AIDS or even fix at their home African migrants who flock to Europe and, unfortunately!, even to Italy or will instead be used for a next venture "Russian spring"? All efforts to delegitimize Vladimir Putin, to bring him down, to force him to surrender, if not to kill him, will be intensified to a paroxysmal level? Will Russia be attacked with a furious force with the intent to subdue her, and to crown the Brzezinski's dream of her division in at least three western protectorates despite the official foreign politics of the new President?
In his campaign promises, Trump hinted he wants to normalize the relations with Russia, not push them to the extreme worst: I hope not having to repent of my recent sympathies.
What will become of Syria? Her fate is linked to that of Russia, since Damascus will now represents the southern border, and many look at Aleppo as a new Stalingrad. I hope that Assad will survive, along with his family, but I hope also that the war against Syria will not gain strength, with the money of the Saudis and Qataris to swell the ranks of the troglodytes murderers that of the Koran only know the name and, perhaps, the cover.
Let's not forget Ukraine and the still open wound of Donbass, the friction created artfully between Russia and those stamp-states known as "Baltic Republics", the Philippines of president Duterte, North Korea and finally China, the last great tasty bite left to eat on the plate of the neocons.
Hillary Clinton is the champion of the neocon universe, she is a kind of Joan of Arc on the contrary, perverse and ruthless. After a closer inspection to what she said and made until now, there is nothing to be happy knowing her in the White House. I have no reason to toast her victory because I do not know what is worse: if a GMO world reduced to fit the "too big to fail" American corporations or a wreck world devastated by atomic mushrooms.
Instead of a crazy witch now we have The Donald at the White House. Let's hope that things go a bit better.
Costantino Ceoldo - Pravda freelance