Kremlin responds to reports about rocket debris in Poland

Kremlin's official representative Dmitry Peskov commented on reports about the crash of two rockets in Poland. The incident took place on November 15 at night.

"Firstly. We have witnessed another frenzied Russophobic reaction, which was not based on any real data whatsoever. In fact, high-ranking representatives of different countries were making statements without having any idea of what happened exactly, what caused it to happen and so on.

"Secondly. Once again, such a frenzied reaction shows that one should never rush with making public assessments and statements that may escalate the situation, especially at such crucial moments. One should not make any statements if there is no accurate information available.

"And thirdly. We would have preferred to hear such an emotional, even overemotional reaction when, for example, an act of sabotage was carried out in relation to the Nord Stream underwater pipelines. There was no such reaction then. No one was in a hurry to figure out who organized that sabotage.”

Here is an official comment from the Russian Defence Ministry:

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