Ukraine's Zelensky says there is a possibility for Russia-Ukraine talks

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced a possibility of negotiations with Russia. In an interview with CNN, Zelensky said that he did not close the door to dialogue when Moscow was ready for peace.

"I didn't close the door. I said that we would be ready to talk with Russia, but with the different Russia — the one that will be truly ready for peace," Zelensky said.

According to Zelensky, the most important condition is the restoration of justice, but there were no such proposals coming from Russia.

On November 9, Maria Zakharova, an official representative for the Russian Foreign Ministry, announced that the Russian Federation was ready to negotiate with Ukraine, given the realities of today. According to the diplomat, Moscow never abandoned the idea of ​​negotiations with Kyiv. At the same time, Moscow urged Kyiv to take into account the situation that was developing at the moment.

On November 8, Zelensky announced the conditions for negotiations with Russia. According to him, Russia should compensate Ukraine for all the losses that the country has suffered as a result of the special military operation, respect the UN Charter, and guarantee that no other special operation would happen again. He also said that Ukraine's territorial integrity should be restored and all war criminals should be punished.

In September, the Ukrainian leader officially announced that he was refusing to negotiate with Moscow.

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