Islam liquidation may set Bangladesh afire

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Demand to deprive Islam of the official state religion status was sent to the Supreme Court of Bangladesh. The reason is terror attacks, carried out by the IS adherents, and other radical groups. The initiative is backed by the Hindus and secularists - the same people, who are at the back of massacres of the Jamaat al Islamiya party leaders.

Azhdar Kurtov, chief editor of the RISS journal "National Strategy Issues" told Pravda.Ru that demand to legislate against Islam was a strange measure and doubted that such a decision would be taken.

Bangladesh is a relatively young state, that was formed on the wreckage of the British India, which had divided into two great conglomerations: a Muslim and mainly Hindu parts. Under the totality of population poverty, long-felt social and economic problems, growing numbers of population, there is risk of religious persecution generating government overthrow with terrorist methods. Religious persecution can polarize population and make those staying aside join the ranks of radicals.

"They will consider authorities that take such decisions to be threatening ones to their holy belief," Azhdar Kurtov fears.

Neighbouring countries can also be involved into this inner issue of Bangladesh. India, Sri Lanka, which is situated not far from there, countries of the South-East Asia also face policy of systematic frightening. Terrorism is a transnational, interstate phenomenon, that has network terrorist organizations, such as al-Qaeda for instance, and thus, they will get an extra trump to recruit new adherents under pretence of the neighbouring country's state powers godless policy, and that can damage many countries' security.

"Islam prohibition in Bangladesh will not settle the problem, it will just go underground and will keep developing, but with even more tragic consequences. There is no sense to combat the idea, fight should be carried out against bearers of radical interpretations of these ideas," Azhdar Kurtov told Pravda.Ru


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