
Council of Europe fears Transnistria may become part of Russia

Council of Europe fears Transnistria may become part of Russia
Source: Pravda.Ru photo archive

Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland believes that a full-scale armed conflict in Transnistria was unlikely. Yet, even one episode of violence may take the situation out of control.

Jagland wrote in an article for The New York Times that "many in Moldova worry that Transnistria could become the next Crimea." "Transnistria's leaders complain that Moldova is conspiring with Ukraine to keep them under economic blockade and have now ordered Transnistrian army reservists between 18 and 27 to mobilize." Jagland wrote. 

According to TASS, the term of the recruiting campaign in Transnistria was extended till the end of 2015. "The recruiting campaign shall be carried out throughout the calendar year 2015," the decree of the President of the unrecognized republic Yevgeny Shevchuk said. 

Another decree from the head of state announced the recruitment of reserve officers during the entire 2015 as well. 


Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru

Also read: Transdniestria may become a part of Russia

Also read: Moldova's NATO dream may trigger another war

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