Solar energy project kills over 3,500 birds in California

A solar energy project has killed as many as 3,500 birds in California, USA, a report said, Pravda.Ru reports. 

The Ivanpah project, a 377-megawatt solar energy array in San Bernardino County, California, has killed an estimated 3,504 birds during the first year of operation, Pravda.Ru reports. The array is a collection of mirrors that direct sunlight to three tall towers, which create steam to run a turbine.

According to the paper, researchers found up to 83 different bird species that had been killed in the area, Pravda.Ru says. However, the report says that the deaths are a "minimal proportion of local, regional or national populations." 

"We were pleased that the report said our impact is minimal but the entire process, including this report, is about knowing your impact so you can reduce it further," an official with NRG Energy, which operates the project, told the Sun.

Read article on the Russian page of Pravda.Ru

Also read: Birds are capable of scanning future

Solar Impulse: The future of flying

In pictures: Clouds of migratory birds in the sky

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