Woman, who lost her finger at McDonald's restaurant in Moscow, waives claim


The Tverskoy Court of Moscow closed the case of Muscovite Olga Gavrikova, who was seeking a compensation for moral damages in the amount of 4.5 million rubles from McDonald's Corporation after the woman lost her finger when being serviced at one of the restaurants of the fast food chain. The case was closed after the plaintiff withdrew her claims, TASS reports. 

The plaintiff's lawyer did not comment on the circumstances that pushed his client towards such a decision. After the meeting, representatives of the McDonald's fast food chain said they were satisfied with the decision. At the same time, none of the parties explained whether the conflict was settled extrajudicially. 

The plaintiff, Olga Gavrikova, demanded McDonald's should compensate her in the amount of 4.5 million rubles after she lost a phalanx of the middle finger of her left hand. According to the woman, the incident occurred in February 2012, when she was paying for the order in a quick service window of one of McDonald's restaurants in Moscow. 

An employee of the restaurant, having passed a hot drink to the customer, shut the window without looking at how the window was closing. The sharp edge of the window cut off Gavrikova's finger. The victim had to go through complex rehabilitation. She received plastic surgery, but saving her finger was impossible. The administration of the restaurant did not plead guilty of the incident and blamed the window manufacturer.

Noteworthy, another Muscovite, Olga Kuznetsova, who also sued McDonald's  more than two and a half years ago, seeking a moral compensation from the fast food chain in the amount of 900,000 rubles for spilled hot coffee, also waived her claims against McDonald's. The hot coffee incident took place in 2004. 


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