Parasailing Donkey Terrifies Holiday-Makers in Russia's South (Video)

Russian animal protection activists intend to sue the businessmen who made a donkey parasail in the sky. They claimed that such a stunt was absolutely unacceptable, brutal and illegal.

"This is pure sadism. We will consider a possibility of filing a legal action against those who arranged this. Being an expert in the group of the State Duma to elaborate a new animal treatment law, I will personally take this situation under control. We will find eye-witnesses and contact both the governor and law-enforcement agencies of the region. It’s just horrible - it all happened on the beach in front of the eyes of many women and children. What were they thinking when they were sending the poor animal in the sky? This is a shock to every normal human being!" IFAW official Elena Averyanova said.

The shocking story took place in the south of Russia, in the Krasnodar region. The poor animal was parasailing above the sea for 30 minutes. Many sunbathers could hear the animal braying in horror as it was flying some 40 meters above the water surface.

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"The poor donkey was yelling, the children, who saw the stunt, were sobbing. The stunt was performed to advertise the service to holiday makers, an official of the local administration said.

The landing of the poor animal was even more terrible. It fell into the sea and the parasail was dragging the donkey at first on the water and then on the sand.

The organizers of the stunt have been identified. They are several residents of the village of Golubitskaya and a resident of the city of Anapa, who owns the animal. The police have decided not to arrest anyone yet.

Russia Today: Police launch probe into parasailing donkey

A police officer said that the animal was safe and suffered no injuries as a result of the stunt. The donkey and its owner have already returned to Anapa.

"If it is determined that the animal has been injured in the stunt, the entrepreneurs, who organized the stunt, may face a fine of 80,000 rubles ($2,700) and higher.

"This scene of gloating over the animal became very distressing to many vacationers. Children were crying, adults were filming the donkey on their cell phones, but no one has reported that to the police," an official said.

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov