Georgia is planning something big

South Ossetia Press Ministry warns that Georgia and foreign advisors are planning a large-scale operation in South Ossetia

The South Ossetian Press and Social Communication Ministry declared on Monday that a major offensive is being planned by Georgian and foreign forces to strike at Russian servicemen in South Ossetia and this Republic´s security, defence and law enforcement authorities.

According to declarations quoted in The Georgia Times, "The provocation is planned by Western advisors, Georgian special services representatives and implies active participation of Dmitri Sanakoyev (the head of the "alternative government" of South Ossetia) and his supporters, as well as subversive and reconnaissance special mission units of Georgian Interior Ministry and Defense Ministry in it".

The same source revealed that such subversive elements may be operating under the guise of civilians, and adds that “At present moment defense, security and law enforcement bodies of South Ossetia are ready to take drastic measures to prevent the provocation”.

In its turn, the Russian Ministry of Defense was quoted as saying "If Georgian special services try to conduct an armed provocation against South Ossetia and Russian servicemen, deployed in its territory, they will meet with a hard rebuff with the use of all arsenal of the forces and resources our military base possesses".

Basically in the equation which constituted the Caucasus region’s problems, the constant factor is Saakashvili. No Saakashvili, no problem.



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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey