Scandal in Ukraine: hundreds of missiles disappeared.

Ukraine is in the midst of the “missile scandal”: the authorities cannot find hundreds of missiles.
Ukrainian authorities quit the hope to find missiles and call the incident “weird thing”. Minister of Defense Evgeny Marchuk said in a BBC interview that he saw no papers on scrapping the missiles. The Minister said that the missiles were dismantled, but not destroyed after the demise of the USSR, NTV reports.

NTV recalls the accusations made by the USA in 2003 that Ukraine was going to send Air Defense “Chain Armor” system to Saddam Hussein. This caused scandal and postponing US economic aid to Kiev. Reporters had different versions, such as terrorists gaining former Soviet weapons in Ukraine (including nuclear weapons) in possession.

This version was not officially rejected, and now missiles disappearance proved to be a fact. Even Ukrainian Ministry of Defense has no idea where the missiles gone.

Source: Izvestia-Info

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova