Latin Americans pay homage to Che Guevara 45 years after his death

At 45 years after the death of Argentine revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara, in Bolivia and Cuba dozens of supporters and government authorities remembered the revolutionary; in Ecuador a bust in Manabi province (west) was unveiled. This October 9 the world remembers the legacy of this fighter who died for justice and for the equality of peoples.

The heroic leader and Argentine revolutionary Ernesto "Che" Guevara died on this day, 45 years ago, after months of battles of liberation against authoritarian governments in the region, in search of social justice and the ideal of socialist unity for Latin America.

This October 9 the world remembers the legacy of this fighter who died for justice and for the equality of peoples.

This South American leader, known worldwide as Che Guevara was captured on the 8th of October 1967 by the Army of Bolivia in the Quebrada del Yuro and later executed in a study center of La Higuera, located in the eastern part of the nation.

Che's dreams were interrupted by the Bolivian military who, influenced by the Central Intelligence Agency U.S. (CIA for its acronym in English), killed a man who carried the banner of the struggle for freedom and equality.

After being executed, his body was placed in the hospital laundry of Our Lord of Malta for public display and large amounts of a chemical to prevent decomposition.

Almost 30 years later his remains, which were kept in a common grave, were taken to Cuba, where they were greeted by a crowd before being buried in the city of Santa Clara, capital of Villa Clara (center), where he led a decisive battle for the defeat of Fulgencio Batista.

Commemorative events in Bolivia

On the eve of the anniversary of Che's death, dozens of supporters and officials reminded the Government of Bolivia at the mausoleum erected in his name and that of his revolutionary comrades.

The tribute activity was presided over by the Ambassador of Cuba, Rolando Gomez, accompanied by Bolivian Minister of Health and Sports, Juan Carlos Calvimontes, and Senator of the Movement Toward Socialism, Isaac Avalos.

Calvimontes recalled his student years and his pilgrimages to Vallegrande to pay tribute to Che and emphasized the effect of his legacy, its importance for revolutionaries in America and the world.

He urged "not to forget those deeds nor those heroes, which stay forever in the heart" and said that "families should be proud of those who gave their lives for the cause that today Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez defend."

Meanwhile, the Cuban ambassador highlighted facets of the life of Che, his exemplary life, his devotion to the cause of the poor and the willingness to fight against injustice anywhere in the world.

Inaugurated bust of Che in Ecuador

A large-sized sculpture bust of Ernesto Che Guevara is the big attraction in the Ecuadorian province of Manabi (west), after being launched in a massive act of homage to the 45th anniversary of his assassination.

The activity was attended by Cuban Brigadier General Harry Villegas (Pombo), companion of Che in the Sierra Maestra and the guerrillas of the Congo and Bolivia, Cuban Ambassador Jorge Rodriguez and Ecuadorian authorities.

Cuba remembers Che

Senior government officials, former fighters of the rebel army and family paid tribute to Ernesto Guevara, Argentine-Cuban guerrilla, in front of the mausoleum that holds the remains in the city of Santa Clara.

Residents of Villa Clara, on behalf of all Cubans also gathered in front of the Ernesto Guevara Monumentario complex, to pay tribute to the "Heroic Guerrilla" on the 45th anniversary of his fall.

Born in 1928 in the city of Rosario in Argentina, Che Guevara was a politician, writer, journalist and physician, considered one of the commanders and ideologues who led the Cuban Revolution, a man who was convinced to extend the armed struggle throughout the continent.

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Translated from the Spanish version by:

Lisa Karpova

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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey