Blair’s dossier against Saddam costs lives of 37,000 British soldiers

British Prime Minister, Anthony Blair is going to present a secret evidence of the fact that Osama bin Laden’s key assistants were trained in Iraq by the instructions of Saddam Hussein. The ministers will have three hours before possible military operations against Iraq to digest the document. On Monday, the prime minister presented the document to the Cabinet which session lasted for not more than two hours. After reading the document, Secretary for International Development, Claire Short said the discussion had been fruitful and the ministers managed to reach a unanimous solution. However, not everything is as smooth in London as it may seem. There is no unanimous opinion concerning participation of British troops in the military operation in Iraq at all. Conservatives and Laborites make up one front as opposed to the prime minister. That is why Anthony Blair treat today’s session of the Parliament as the last attempt to win the situation over to his side. If he finds convincing arguments to unmask Hussein’s regime, he is a success, if he fails, he is likely to lose his post this year already. His rating is rapidly going down and that is why he needs a triumphant war in Iraq as never before.

By the way, yesterday one of the Gulf War heroes expressed his negative attitude to the intention to start an offensive against Baghdad. Major-General Patrick Cordingly, DSO Commander of the desert rats during the Gulf War, who is currently 57 year old, says he strongly objects to the war in Iraq. He said in an interview to Mirror: “I am sure it is wrong. Deployment of British troops in Iraq can’t be justified. And politicians provided no convincing arguments in favor of the war.”

According to different estimates, if an offensive launched against Baghdad, losses of attacking troops will make up 15% - 37,000 soldiers out of 250,000 will be killed and wounded. The general, who retired just recently, says that the evidence presented in the dossier compiled against Saddam Hussein are not enough to wage a war. 

Yesterday Bahrain leader said that US’s military operation against Iraq would cause damage the whole of the region. Representatives of the Jordan government also declared yesterday that Jordan military bases couldn’t be used for an offensive in Iraq. Jordan Foreign Minister, Marwan Muasher doubts that the USA will manage to transform Iraq into democracy quickly by overthrowing Saddam Hussein’s regime. “We were asked to deploy US troops on our bases. We won’t allow to use our bases and want everyone understand it. This would destabilize the situation in Jordan and entail more domestic problems; there is not a single country, including the USA, which is interested in this.” Such negative opinion of the Arab world concerning an offensive in Iraq urges Washington and London to speed up the events. The US national security strategy voiced by President Bush recently supposes that preventive blows will be delivered against those countries which can be treated as a prospective threat to the country (Iraq is basically meant in this case). The dossier compiled by Mr. Blair resembles the doctrine very much.

Dmitry Chirkin

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Author`s name Michael Simpson