African Union: Up yours, ICC!

African Union: Up yours, ICC!. 44810.jpegThe African Union summit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, at the end of last week sent out a message ringing loud and clear in the ears of the kangaroo court at The Hague: the member states of the AU will not comply with the arrest warrant for Muammar al-Qathafi and they consider the court an impediment towards peace and reconciliation.


The question of Libya and Al-Qathafi completely dominated the summit and the final declaration reiterated the opening statement by Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, who told the international community to stay out of Africa's affairs and mind its own business.


The African Union Chairman, Jean Ping, declared that the International Criminal Court at The Hague appeared to be targeting Africa: "We support the fight against impunity, we do not support impunity, we are not even against the Criminal Court. We are against the way justice is being rendered because ... it looks as if this ICC is only interested in trying the Africans," he stated after the Conference finished.


The African leaders consider that the ICC arrest warrant "seriously complicates the efforts aimed at finding a negotiated political settlement to the crisis in Libya".


Colonel al-Qathafi has been a driving force behind the formation of the African Union and has donated billions of dollars towards humanitarian projects. Instead of salting away the money for himself, as many other leaders would have done, he poured it into building e-learning and telemedicine networks, benefiting all Africans, freeing its peoples from the yolk of dependence.


It is for this reason that Muammar al-Qathafi, today, can travel freely around the African Continent and there is nothing the ICC can do about it.


On the subject of the ICC, why doesn't Mr. Luis Moreno Ocampo go back to Argentina? Or why does he not issue arrest warrants for al-Hasidi, the Libyan terrorist leader who himself admitted to having links with al-Qaeda, the organization whose leader, Osama bin laden, Mr. Gaddafi was the first international leader to issue an arrest warrant for? Why doesn't Mr, Moreno Ocampo issue arrest warrants against the Libyan terrorists who murdered children, raped little girls and massacred black Libyans in the streets?


It is by now patently obvious who or what Mr. Moreno Ocampo is and what he and his revolting institution stand for: they are the lackeys of NATO, do nothing to foster international justice and insult every fibre of common decency and international law.


French arms drop failed


Meanwhile there are reports from inside Libya that the majority of the arms dropped by the French to help the terrorists in fact fell into the hands of the Libyan Armed Forces. Colonel Gaddafi quipped: "We had been asking to buy their weapons months ago. Now they have given them to us for free".


Thank you, Sarkozy! Now we will learn the full truth about the Strauss-Kahn case as well.


Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey




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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey