Russia and America, the quiet detente

Russia and America have entered into a quiet detente not at government level, but at people level.
While our governments still argue over who was and is the evil empire, who gets to have more weapons, and who has what position in the world, there is a subtler form of relations going on.  And, need I dare say the word romance? 

In the last 15 years, American men and Russian women have been closing the doors of old hostilities and opening new doors of friendship through various programs that introduce men and women and puts a whole new spin on dating and marriage. 

I've watched this phenomenon grow and in the last 4 years absolutely explode into close to mainstream dating. I will be doing several articles talking about the benefits and pitfalls of international marriage.  Awhile back, I did some under cover work and what this writer found was simply amazing. 

What is driving this new international romantic involvement is many causes and cannot be broken down into a single, solitary, reason.   

FOUL cry feminist organizations in the US.  It is setting equal rights back 25 years is another cry from the land.  Not so says this writer. Russia has had equal rights thrust upon her years ago through necessity.  From women construction workers, to soldiers, to politicians, to the medical field in every aspect - for every male, there is an equal female counter part.   Russia has the longest record of women s equal rights than any other country in the modern world. 

Why are there cries of FOUL?  Call it misunderstanding, or you can call it major competition. 

There are differences in words on both sides.  When a Russian woman says must be financially secure, she means you need to have a job.  Here in the states, the same words appearing in a singles ad means You had better be rich.  When a Russian woman says she wants to enjoy the finer things in life, she is talking about a nice place to live and a cozy "comfortable" home.  The same words in the US mean I am high maintenance.  

As with any dating involvement, there are the ups and downs.  Unfortunately, in the Russian/American dating scene only the bad press is published.  Rather unfair, but one has to look at who is doing the writing here in the US.   

My project of introducing readers into the world of international dating is being done in cooperation with Elena Petrova, who is probably one of the most foremost authorities on the subject.  Elena is also the author of several books on international dating. 

Elena is a little shy, and it takes a little effort to get her to open up but once she does open up a flood of valuable information keeps coming and coming and coming.   Just when you think she's done, out comes another flood of even more information.  This woman could fill volumes of common advice for both American men and Russian women who are seeking partners. If there was anyone who deserves the title of Ambassador of Good Will, Elena would get it hands down.  

American men who are seeking partners in Russia are not a bunch of losers as some American feminists would like to you to believe.   These are men from all walks of life and careers.  These are men who want some of the old world charm in their life.  These are men who want to expand their views and seek broader understanding. 

Russian women are not men stealing vamps and exploitive opportunists these Russian women want to expand their understandings and take on new adventures. 

American men can't handle a strong woman is another cry that echoes through terra firma Americana.  Again, one has to consider the source.  When it comes to strength in a woman, let Russian history spell it out very clearly, and the role Russian women have had in the defense of their mother land.   

Russian women are doing nothing but trying to escape the poverty of their own country - this is another claim that reverberates through the US.  In part, that may be true, but we also need to look at the American singles ad when it states Must be financially secure.   

The statement Russian women are doing nothing but trying to escape the poverty of their own country is a very, very interesting allegation.  I know several women on the American dating scene who openly state that if a person does not have MD following their name, don't even bother writing in more than one instance, the women who make these demands are on welfare.   

Part one of my in depth look at international dating is almost ready for publication Elena has gone through my initial draft and made some suggestions.  I'm doing a rewrite of several sections and after Elena goes through the final draft, I will be releasing part one. 

Michael Berglin

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova