Chavez back!

Chavez back: "I'll be first in line of battle"

On his arrival at Simon Bolivar International Airport, in the state of Vargas, he said that apart from some discomfort, normal after treatment with radiotherapy, "I come with great optimism that this treatment has the effects we want and expect."

He also said on national radio and television: "We ask God to continue giving us the miracle of life to follow along building a good country, the socialist fatherland."

The leader said that he would follow the medical indications in a rigorous way to continue recovering from the effects of radiotherapy.

The national representative traveled last April 30th to Havana, Cuba, to meet the latest cycle of radiotherapy.  The trip was approved by the Socialist majority in the National Assembly.

The rightists and sellouts will be defeated also on the international level, he said, to which the right looks exhausted and desperate, like weary, exhausted boxers beginning to bear blows in an emptiness and end up being beaten when they least expect it.

He said the opposition, without leadership, without logic, without horizon, is entering into desperation and is trying to generate violent acts, "some are traveling the world trying to articulate a kind of axis against Venezuela. Do not lose sight. "

Source: Cubadebate

Translated from the Portuguese version by:

Lisa Karpova

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Author`s name Oksana Orlovskaya