Lucky amulet brings Putin wild success

An amulet that promises good fortune and blessings for the family line is buried underneath the right front corner of the house which was build by the Russian president’s grandfather. Vladimir Putin is considered an extraordinarily lucky man even by his opponents.

He managed to succeed brilliantly in his career reaching for the very peak of power. But the amazing part is that during his leadership even the world’s worst disasters turn out for the good of Russia . Much as if Putin was personally responsible for bringing us good fortune.

“Happiness throws itself before his feet as if it were a rug!” tell his former schoolmates.

And it is clearly so. Let us remember the president’s biography. A boy coming out of an ordinary working family from the first attempt got accepted into the law school – the most prestigious division of Leningrad University . While he was yet a student he acquired his own car – his parents won a “Zaporozhets” while playing a lottery. Later he received position in the KGB and served happily in the well-to-do Germany . And then the sweeping sudden flight upward: Putin traveled the way from a humble position of the Leningrad city chairman’s advisor to the Russian president’s seat as if in a high-speed elevator!

“Who are you, Mr. Putin?” the foreign journalists asked him back then.

Now the whole world knows Vladimir Putin. And our international colleagues are furiously struggling to figure out the secret of our president’s success.

The answer to the mystical riddle was found in Tver’s lands, in Pominovo village, the birthplace of the president’s family.

“The Putin family clan has been living in this area for almost four centuries,” completed the calculations Elena Efremova, the head of the local archives’ department, “Many of his ancestors are buried in the Kalininskiy region. And others are still living in Pominov and Zarechniy…”

The village

Vladimir Kuvarin, a retired resident of Pominovo village, has been studying the president’s family tree in great depth because the leader of Russia is his distant relative.

“The great grandfather of my deceased wife Lidia was the blood brother of Vladimir Vladimirovich’s great grandfather,” he explains, “And my aunt Anfisa Kormilitsina was the closest friend of Putin’s mother.

“She used to tell me what Maria used to be like in her youth. A beautiful, modest, hardworking woman she was. And her husband Vladimir Spiridonovich was a trouble-maker! He wasn’t afraid of anything and was the first one to get into a fight.

“He was a lucky man. Out of our village 88 men left to fight the war and only 6 came back. Isn’t that the greatest luck?! My own father Mikhail Grigoryevich also came back in one piece. He used to tell that when in 1941 he was leaving for the frontlines he took with him a handful of homeland’s earth from under his home. Vladimir Spiridonovich, Vladimir Putin’s grandfather, did a similar thing. It is a family tradition that is passed on to us, a sort of blessing…”

…The homestead where the president’s father and grandfather used to live is still standing. The house number 12 stands under a large poplar tree. It is incredible that the hundred-year-old house has remained intact for over a century despite the natural disasters and other troubles. It even survived the Second World War.

“The penalty enforcers were going to burn our village to the ground,” recalls Vladimir Kuvarin, “But it was saved thanks to the local resident Liza Byhlova. She was very pretty and spoke good German. A fascist officer promised to spare the village inreturn for Liza’s gratitude. The girl left with that jerk but eventually escaped him and came back…”

The house

The house of Putins is built to endure through the ages. President’s grandfather was responsible for its tough composition.

“Spiridon Ivanovich raised up this house way before the revolution,” explains Vladimir Kuvarin as he shows around the building, “Already then the man had become an outstanding cook and was working in an expensive restaurant in St. Petersburg . So he had plenty of money for the building project. My father used to tell that following an ancient tradition Spiridon Ivanovich placed some money underneath the house’s foundation for good fortune. Underneath the front right corner, where the icons are normally place inside the house, he put a golden coin, and underneath the other three – silver ones.”

And he didn’t hold back the gold?

“Well, it’s not like he was throwing it into the garbage. He made it his home’s foundation, like a treasure. And my father had done the same. It is as secure there as in a safe! But the main thing is that such an investment brings good luck and success to the house. In our village it is believed that the more you place at the time of construction, the luckier you’ll end up being. It is a very old tradition, and no one builds without keeping it. It is kind of like a sacrifice for the family’s sake, an ancestral blessing…”

According to the biographical facts Spiridon Ivanovich clearly had the fortune smile at him. He moved out of Pominovo leaving the house to his son Vladimir. During the most difficult years of starvation he served as a cook to the Kremlin’s elite. He and his wife lived a long happy life together and died in a very advanced age.

Hidden good luck passed on to Vladimir Spiridonovich just like a heritage. The buried coins did their job and protected not only the house itself but also its inhabitants. Putin’s father survived the terrible battles on “ Neva ’s Piatachok” - badly wounded he was pulled out and saved by his neighbor. His wife Maria, after she had lost her oldest son and nearly starved to death during the blockade of St. Petersburg , in 1952 had another baby at the age of 40. This one had the nation’s presidency ahead of him.

House number 12 has seen quite a few owners since those times. Now after it has come a full circle the house is preparing to become Putin’s once again, but this time as a historical relic.

“The rumor has it that the house has been bought by the authorities from Zavidov’s reservation, where the state residence “Rus” is located,” continues Valdimir Kuvarin, “So the current owners of the house will receive a brand new stylish palace nearby…”

“It looks like the Russian president is planning on visiting the homeland of his fathers,” suggests Nina Rybkina, the head of the town administration, “There was a recent renovation of his grandmother’s grave, who was murdered by the fascists in Turginevo village. There is a new monument, a new bridge across the river leading to the cemetery, where the president’s other relatives are buried. The church Pokrova Bogoroditsi, which the president’s predecessors used to attend, is being restored with the financial assistance from his administration.”

“Perhaps the whole Russia will benefit from the coin once hidden for luck by Putin’s grandfather,” smiles Vladimir Kuvarin, “It’s about time…”

Translated by Natalia Vysotskaya

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Author`s name Alex Naumov