Great Britain is dreading 9/11 - 9 September, 2002

There is information that single terrorists can mark the tragic anniversary of the 9/11 attacks with a series of more terrorist attacks. Anti-terrorist experts say that activity of suicide bombers and shooters is to be very high within this period.

The UK police has taken control over all people who are considered as a potential danger. Hundreds of extra policemen and professional volunteers will be engaged in patrolling the central part of London, that is truly believed the most desired area for terrorists. Thousands of policemen in other districts will be put on an alert state.

Officers of SO19, Scotland-Yard’s elite subdivision, have already started regular patrolling of the Thames River and central part of London. Protection of all governmental buildings and the Parliament has been strengthened, politicians and public figures have been warned of possible acts of terrorism.

British Home Secretary David Blunkett addressed the population and asked to inform police of all suspicious people and accidents. He stressed, “London is especially vulnerable to possible terrorism attacks, because Great Britain completely supports the USA in its anti-terrorism war. Moreover, terrorists have already engaged more immature Muslims into al-Qaeda.”

Nuclear power plants and other nuclear objects have been  taken under a strong control as potential targets for terrorist attacks. Anti-terrorism experts say that if some attacks still occur, they will be not so great as in Washington and New York. These can even be separate or local terrorism attacks, plane hijacking, shooting or bomb explosions are possible.

However, these warnings are made for the people if the worst comes to the worst. To avoid terrorist attacks and panic, all military subdivisions have been put on a complete state of alert.

We remember perfectly well attempts to commit terrorist attacks in Europe, a hijacking in Sweden last week, for example.

A young Turkish couple was arrested in Germany yesterday. The people are charged with an attempt to place a bomb on the territory of a Heidelberg military base, where the key European military direction of the USA is situated. Right after the arrest, the young man claimed his belonging to bin Laden’s followers and told about his mission in the face of the whole Muslim world. His girl was a saleswoman at a supermarket on the territory of the military base. Lots of explosives and chemical components were discovered after a search in their apartment.

Svetlana Tarasova-Briton
Great Britain

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Author`s name Michael Simpson