Kerry: I hurt for my country

I'm an American living in Alaska. I couldn't agree with Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey any more on the unelected fraud holding the presidents office of this once fine country. He is a criminal, a murderer, a liar and so much crappy stuff more.

I apologize and wish that it was different. I didn't vote for him and in fact only  approx 1/4 of americans did but there he is. Rest assured there are many americans who hold this idiot in very low regard. I hurt for my country, I hurt for the world and what we might have been to it. If instead of bombs we had sent doctors, instead of missles we had provided each person with food and medicine, ...but "compasionate conservatism" (read rich uncaring liar) has consumed my country and I fear it will never again be what it was.
I'm sorry we ended up foisting gwbush on the world.


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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova