George Person: Why I will not see Fahrenheit 9-11

There are two reasons why I won't see Fahrenheit 9-11  
One, I have cable TV , so I don't waste my money anymore going out to movies - except on rare occasion -I pay a small fortune for cable TV , so I just patiently wait for these shows to make it onto the cable channels
Two, I consider personal attacks on people to be a lack of character, and thus, not worthy as an artistic output, in allowing these corrupt brainwaves to mingle with mine....
Texas is a state of's a place where a man can come in, and if be an intellectual and economic force, he'll be accepted for who he is.....the state is a power man's town, and the city of Dallas rivals Manhattan as a place of raw economic force as well as sophistication and lifestyle....a very spectacular view as you are coming in from the highway at night! A man once said to me,"the most beautiful women live in Texas." And from the women I saw there, I believe he was right.
President Bush made it through Harvard...not a mean feat....he didn't have straight A's, but since his family placed such social responsibilities upon young George, to participate in the lifestyle of the rich and's only natural for your studies to suffer, when you have the privilege of the silver spoon and a very exciting lifestyle to boot.....
The Bushes' are a great American political family...a father and son political team, where both become President of the United States...extraordinary...
Yes, President Bush is filthy rich...but is that a reason to hate him and the crowd he hangs around?! They can have their friends, and I'll have mine. It doesn't mean I won't vote for him....I believe in freedom...and I believe he's done a pretty good job of responding to terrorism.....
9-11 was a gentle wake-up call relative to what really can happen to this country by terrorists.....there's no limit on the imaginations of those dedicated to our destruction what can be unleashed upon the USA.....suitcase nukes, dirty bombs, bioweapons, shoulder missiles shooting down airliners, explosives in subways...etc...etc...
Fahrenheit 9-11 is the production of a power hungry group, where Mr. Moore has become their spokesman....basically, it's a production from a group of people, who at the moment are temporarily out of power, and they seek to regain that power, through the use of the mass a force of propaganda serving their own political views...Does it have to be fair?...Does it have to be kind?....certainly not.....but, it has a sucker punch quality....where the opposition doesn't have the ample support of the culture surrounding its creation, to really counter this kind of political attack.....
What's important now for the nation is to have a plan to prevent , detect, and correct the problem of terrorism.
Currently, the United States has done everything conceivably possible to help reduce to threat of terrorism...and maintain our normal lifestyle..
And for the pure sake of political power, Fahrenheit 9-11, is a production which is trying to undermine President Bushes' moral authority, to use this event in allowing the Republican party to dominate and control American politics, as an excuse to create a wartime scenario, and creating an overall level of hatred towards a man who has genuinely done everything he can to protect America and the American people....
President Bush is a man of extreme honor...however, his sin is he was born into a privileged class, he's white, and he's Republican....he embodies everything his opposition dislikes to the fervor of irrationalism and pure malevolent emotional hype.....and in the depths of their soul would never approve any action of his, even if it were approved by high heaven...and have the gall to accuse him of political oversight
when in their heart of hearts despise every fiber of his existence.....
In conclusion, if you want Mr. Moore's thoughts and artistic expressions rattling in your head for an eternity, then go see the movie.....I think I know where he stands...and in reality, I don't think he has the true courage to face death and defend this nation with his blood from its enemies and is really trying to find a good excuse to run and hide hoping the terrorist world never comes knocking at his door, so he doesn't have to put his words to the test, in a world of terrorism which never rests...
George Person
Phoenix, Arizona

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Author`s name Evgeniya Petrova