See what the Libyan "rebels" are like

We present proof that the Libyan "rebels" are armeSee what the Libyan d terrorists, we present proof that the UNSC resolutions were based upon false flag events, we present proof that NATO is on the wrong side. If after reading and seeing this, you see that NATO is indeed wrong and see for yourself that the "rebels" are not unarmed civilians, do something.

See for yourself in this documentary, filmed by Flavio Signore and Leonor Massanet in Libya recently and passed to Pravda.Ru, what the Libyan "rebels" are and ask yourselves if these are unarmed civilians being attacked by government forces. Then, do something about it. NATO involved itself based upon false information.

 The UNSC Resolutions 1970 and 1973 are therefore void for this reason and also because there was no attempt to explain all the clauses to the Russians and Chinese, who asked for several points to be cleared up. Apart from these two facts, the NATO side has breached the conditions of the Resolutions, committing war crimes. The UNSC must therefore convene and vote unanimously for the aggression to continue ...otherwise it must stop.

If what you are about to read revolts you, if what you are about to see with your own eyes, makes you raise questions as to the legitimacy of NATO's campaign supporting the armed terrorists in Libya which they call unarmed civilians, if you think NATO has taken the wrong side, if you think the Libyan Armed Forces are right to respond in a measured way to an insurrection by thousands of armed terrorists, racist savages who massacred Negroes in the streets and raped women and girls, then please do not just sit there and say "how terrible". Do something about it.

The following video was made by Flavio Signore and Leonor Massanet recently when they spoke to people in Zawiya in western Libya, liberated from the grip of the terrorists by the Libyan Armed Forces. Let us see who and what these terrorists are, and see if anyone can claim they are unarmed civilians being attacked by Gaddafi, as the western media claims. Why, then, is NATO supporting these terrorists and is it right?

The work is called: Armed Groups destroy Ashuhador Square in Zawia:

Grupos armados destruyen la plaza de Ashuhador en Zawia

Autores: Flavio Signore y Leonor Massanet

In this video you can see and hear civilians speaking about the horrors visited upon them not by unarmed civilians being attacked by Gaddafi, but by armed terrorists who took this town in western Libya between Tripoli and the Tunisian frontier:

"Armed groups entered the town and set fire to several places and they started to kill people".

"They used weapons on unarmed civilians"

"We suffered a lot when they were here"

"They entered our homes and did horrible things to our wives"

"Now we are back to normal, people are working and the University is open again. Things are back to normal".

Leonor Massanet and Flavio Signore's report (abridged):

"For what was supposedly committed in Zawiya and elsewhere, the UNO issued Resolution 1973 which authorised the western military intervention. The accounts of the witnesses we found in this city completely contradict the official version until now spread by the western media.

"After the 20-day siege and the civil and human rights outrages committed in Zawiya by the rebels, the Libyan Armed Forces came and freed it".

An eye-witness account:

"On February 22, people who we now know were groups from al-Qaeda and Altakfir wa Alhejara (Islamist extremists), entered the square of Ashushador in Zawiya, destroying and burning houses and buildings...the people hid in their homes until the army came to free them".

"The civilians showed us a film taken on a mobile phone of cruel and horrific killing, people having their heads cut off with knives as if they were animals being slaughtered. The extremists, after a slaughter, shouted Allahu Akhbar! The people say they were not Libyans, they were bearded and had distinctive clothes.

"The first days of the conflict we were all unprepared and 90% of those who came were foreigners, who pillaged. They destroyed the People's Congress where we take note of what we need, the social security offices, the registry office, the general basic congress, all its sections, the office which draws up plans for companies and so on.

"Anyone who supported the Leader, they cut his throat in public and they used our Mosques to hold parties.

"Then NATO came and bombed the outskirts of our city."

I rest my case.

More information on Libya from

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey



Author's note: NATO, here is your exit strategy: Claim the no-fly zone under UNSC 1970 (2011) was successfully implemented and claim that the original objectives of UNSC 1973 (2011) were attained. Pull out, involve the African Union and allow the Libyans to sort it out. Peace will ensue.  Save the millions you are spending for your own people. Or isn't this what you wanted? After all, you refused the idea of a democratic election...

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Author`s name Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey