Shall We Wait While Others Get Killed?

Let me make this clear to the simple minded and naive. Islamic terrorists hate Israel. America is a friend of Israel. Islamic terrorists hate America. Anderson Cooper of CNN has shown a surveillance video of Major Hasan dressed in traditional Muslim white garb with a white Muslim cap Thursday morning the same day before he tried to kill everyone. His garb is normally worn by Muslim men going to pray or going to pray before a suicide mission.

Major Hasan, who is single with no children, was investigated by the FBI six months ago for allegedly expressing support for terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq. A former colleague, Col Terry Lee, said Hasan had fallen out with other soldiers on the base. He claimed that Hasan said he was "happy" when a US soldier was killed in an attack on a military recruitment center in Arkansas in June. Soldiers reported that Hasan shouted “Allahu Akbar!” — Arabic for “God is great!” before he started shooting.

Have we forgotten the young Muslim soldier who threw the grenade to kill his fellow soldiers? Have we forgotten the Washington DC shootings by a former Muslim US Army soldier???

Police woman Sgt Munley shot Hasan 4 times before she was shot once in the hip. She was a true hero. Without her many more would have been killed. Sgt Munley told her Father she was ok and that there was a "TERRORIST" attack at Fort Hood.

Neville Chamberlain after meeting with Hitler said, "peace for our time". I doubt more evidence can convince the illiterate, naive and the Chamberlains of the world. The question now remains why the FBI did not remove Major Hasan from service. Shall we wait while others get killed?

Xavier Lerma

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Author`s name Dmitry Sudakov