Are the US troops on the brink of leaving Iraq for good?

&to=' target=_blank>U.S. President George W. Bush yesterday scolded the United Nations for failing to join his crackdown on "murderers." A tough-talking Bush told the 84 world leaders gathered here in New York for the opening of the &to=' target=_blank>United Nations General Assembly's 59th session to stop "looking away."

"All civilized nations are in this struggle together and all must fight the murderers," he said, warning of an escalation in attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan leading up to those countries' general elections.

Bush used his 15-minute address to the UN to criticize advocates of pulling out of Iraq, reports Winnipeg Sun.

In particular, Bush urged the UN to respond positively to a request from the Iraqi interim government for assistance in organizing national elections scheduled for January. The world body, which was the target of a deadly terrorist attack on its Baghdad office last year, has been reluctant to send personnel back because of security concerns.

Bush's comments seemed aimed as much at American voters as the many leaders who have gathered at the UN for the annual General Assembly session. He has come under fire in recent days from his Democratic opponent, &to=' target=_blank>John Kerry, as well as some members of his own party who are increasingly apprehensive about the bloody course of events in Iraq.

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