Russia and India have sighed antiterrorist mutual understanding and cooperation memorandum Delhi

Russia's President and India's Prime Minister have witnessed the signing of a memorandum on mutual understanding and cooperation in combating terrorism between the two countries' governments.

The document reads that Russia and India have fallen victim to terror and "being democratic and open nations they are susceptible to threats posed by terror globalization, including newly appeared connections between terrorism and weapons of mass destruction".

"No circumstances can justify terrorism, it must be unanimously denounced everywhere." The two countries strongly denounce all those who support terrorism, finance, train, harbor terrorists or provide them with assistance. States, supporting terrorists or harboring them are as guilty of committing terrorist attacks as terrorists themselves," the document reads.

In this context Russia and India claimed their readiness to "strengthen cooperation in combating terrorism, separatism and extremism as well as financial assistance they receive from organized crime, arms and drug smuggling".

Russia and India consider these actions as "global threats, which can only be combated by the international community's joint comprehensive, decisive and stable efforts." Russia and India confirmed their adherence to UN Security Council resolution 1373 on suppression of terror and expressed their hope that the Comprehensible Convention on international terror and Convention on suppression of nuclear terror would come into force as soon as possible.

"Being victims of terror coming from neighboring regions we are especially interested in putting an end to this common threat by taking preventive and limiting measures at the national and bilateral level," the declaration reads.

In this context the parties agreed to strengthen bilateral cooperation in combating terrorism.

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