Spaded statue in St Petersburg

PRAVDA.Ru notices a tendency among Russian functionaries and businessmen to erection monuments. Everyday life presents us one fact after another. The epidemic situation is getting worse…

St Petersburg governor Vladimir Yakovlev proposed to decorate the city built by great Russian and foreign architects with a new statue devoted to trucker. He explained that this is thanks to heroic efforts of the army of truckers in former marches around St Petersburg, beautiful gardens appeared. It is still not known yet, how the trucker will be presented: with a spade or with a mattock. This, probably, will be a composition consisting of the trucker and a mosquito killed by him. For, the governor is especially thankful to the trucker movement for pitiless annihilation of mosquito breed.

It always has been St Petersburg citizens’ problem: flooded cellars and swarms of mosquitoes, even in cold time. Therefore, it is, probably, more appropriate to erect a monument to the governor who could not solve the problem of cellars with a big mosquito. Great “Russian” sculptor Tseriteli would cope perfectly with this task. This is thanks to governor Yakovlev’s initiative, a “pissing boy” fountain sculpture was put against the background of the Engineering Palace and close to St Catherine temple. Now, around this sculpture, young homosexuals gather.

Fountains as a part of city landscape took a special place in the hearts of many functionaries. Krasnoyarsk citizens for several years make fun of their mayor Pimashkov who actively builds fountains. Taking into account the climate, the fountains work at most four months a year, while the governor keeps building fountains, turning the Siberian city in a kind of New-Peterhof. Though, let it pass. Krasnoyarsk citizens have accustomed to it. However, mayor Pimashkov intends to be a candidate for Krasnoyarsk Region governor. And if he keeps building fountains? Do you imagine: fountains in Norilsk, fountains in Evenkia… Let people be happy at aesthetic idea of town-planning.

I wish State Duma deputies to pass a law or something… Though, they also, probably, would like to decorate cities…

Yelena Kiseleva PRAVDA.Ru

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