Next Wave of Terrorism: Underwater

Russian defense establishment to put an end to underwater terrorism
The hail of terrorism attacks overwhelming the planet once again proves the opinion that the 21st century will be an era of struggle against terrorism. Man has been polishing his killing techniques for centuries, and more and more deadly weapons have been invented. However, as it turns out, kamikazes are the most effective, and what is really important, the cheapest killing instrument. For this very reason, designers of military techniques place special emphasis on developing defensive systems. Indeed, death may come from everywhere: from the air, as on 9/11; from the land, as terrorists like to stuff cars with explosives; from the water (the tragedy with the USS Cole, which was attacked by a boat stuffed with explosives in Yemen in 2000); and from under the water as well.

The 4th international exhibition MILIPOL QATAR 2002 is currently held in Qatar. Russian state defense enterprise Rosoboronexport is showing off new achievements of the St. Petersburg enterprise Aquamarine designed for advanced protection from underwater terrorism.

Aquamarine Director General Boris Melnitsky said in an interview to Interfax-AVN Tuesday that protection from underwater attacks is currently a weak point. Boris Melnitsky says that underwater terrorists, who can secretly approach any object and attack, pose the greatest danger. Small or ultra-small submarines can be used to deliver terrorists to the place chosen for the attack; these submarines are very dangerous by themselves, as they can attack with torpedoes.

The Anapa-ME sonar exhibited in Qatar can spot underwater attackers who swim or move with the help of special carriers. The sonar is supplied with a multi-barreled anti-diversion grenade cup discharge produced at the plant Degtyarev in the Russian city of Kovrov. The sonar automatically liquidates spotted saboteur swimmers. In addition to the sonar, Aquamarine has brought to the exhibition an acoustic system designed for spotting submarines, including even small and ultra-small submarines. The system includes several autonomous sonars fixed under the water. At that, as Boris Melnitsky says, all information about spotted submarines is automatically transmitted to the command post either via an underwater cable or radio-communication.

Dmitry Chirkin PRAVDA.Ru

Translated by Maria Gousseva

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