Sam J Samaha: I expected your paper to be more "free"

Back in the days when the communists rules Russia and the USSR Pravda was expected to show bias and anti-western attitudes, as a matter of fact the term Pravda was basically used as a pejorative describing mindless media, and we would call CNN "Pravda" when they would show a "liberal" media bias, as most American media does. However, I expected your paper to be more "free" and show a more journalistic writing style. What I have seen is editorial style reporting where the reporter or writer is simply second guessing the actions of the worlds largest superpower, as though he knows better than our leadership.

I want to read the occasional editorial point of view from a former communist, but how about some balance? The problem with CNN is that they show a leftist, liberal (almost Russian Communist) slant, so now we have Fox News Network which is more "fair and balanced" Does Russia have an alternative to Pravda? Or is it all Liberal, Socialist, Communist propaganda repackaged? Or is it the old (and world famous) lets hate America and Americans because they have it so much better than us? (envy is sinful)


Sam J Samaha Scottsdale, Arizona

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