They said 'Yes' to the Devil

By Xavier Lerma

"And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." One can blame the US for overthrowing Kiev but if people like Poroshenko had not accepted, Kiev and all of Ukraine would still be safe. In 2012 the US spewed out propaganda in Moscow but most Russians were not fooled and their country was saved. The acceptance of the US and EU proposals invited Hell to Ukraine and the Church was attacked.

The light of God was in Metropolitan Vladimir (Sabodan), head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Kiev. He passed away July 5th amid the Ukrainian civil war. Through his inspiration, on January 22, Metropolitan Antony urged believers in Kiev, "Today, we celebrate the Ukrainian Day of National Unity with a sense of sadness and grief. The country is on the brink of the abyss. ... the Church demands a stop to the violence. People! Come to your senses!" His words are an echo from the past.

In November of 1917, Metropolitan Tikhon of Moscow told the Communists. "Come back into your senses, you madmen and stop spilling blood! What you are doing can please only Satan." In those days Lenin and company were financed not only by Germany but by the Oligarchs from the United States and Great Britain. They said yes to Satan and Russia fell into the abyss of Hell. Rather, Hell came to earth. The average is about 65 million suffering and dying to their yes. The West scoffs at the figure like Stalin who said, "One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic."

"But they that hope in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall take wings as eagles" The Russian Church had survived. The death of millions of martyrs was the seed of a renewed faith. The Faith survived and Communism went down to defeat! This author has witnessed it and I can truly say, "And I saw them that had overcome the Beast. These are they who are come out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and have made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Now Russia stands invincible against the Red Dragon and is hope for other countries.

Thank God Crimea voted to become part of Russia or they would suffer the same fate. The Ukraine in the past suffered "Holodomor" thanks to Lenin's "Yes" to the West. Poroshenko's "Yes" has again invited Hell to not only the separatists but to Kiev and all of Ukraine. Protests against the current government continue. Mother's protest that their sons are being taken away to fight against their own people. These soldiers flee to Russia or take drugs or commit suicide.

Last May a priest was killed. Fr. Paul Zhuchenko was shot in the Donetsk region.  In early August, Archpriest Vladimir Kreslyansky was killed during the bombing of Lugansk.  August 9th in Lugansk another Orthodox priest was killed during the bombing.  "The witnesses say that he died praying. While he was praying the dropping bombs blew up in the air before they reached the ground, and no other people got wounded." His prayers miraculously saved his people. More priests are missing and assumed dead.

Churches are bombed and civilians are not spared. Last July a church was bombed then later filmed by Anna News in this video. Recently in Gorlovka, the Annunciation Church was set ablaze by bombs that hit it intentionally. Kiev wants genocide in SE Ukraine. They obey their master well. It's the CIA way of doing things. The Russian Church says it, "is renewing its call for the immunity of holy places and the clergy not to be sacrificed to hatred". Sadly, I do not hear the western churches protest Kiev. Certainly their governments do not implore Kiev to stop the bombings.  

A few days ago a plane came from Canada arrived in Kharkov with $4.5 million worth of equipment for Kiev. Pentagon Press Secretary, Rear Admiral John Kirby admitted he was sending some instructors to Kiev. Some supposedly to help investigate the Malaysian Crash MH17. I would ask Kirby why investigate since your country blamed Russia a few hours after the attack? They are probably trying to hide the evidence of bullet holes. In the past these instructors keep getting shot and killed. Some were said to be killed recently in this video.

To solve the issue, Alexander Dugin in his "Letter to the American People on Ukraine" writes, "The American political elite has stolen, perverted and counterfeited the American identity. And they make us hate you and they make you hate us... - the global oligarchy who rules the world using you and smashing us. Let us revolt. Let us resist. Together, Russians and Americans. We are the people. We are not their puppets." Dugin is very hopeful but I am not in this case.

The US will not make peace. After all, making peace is losing money, either in Europe or the Middle East. They says "Yes" most emphatically because of their greed. Their souls are darkened by Sin and cannot comprehend the light. All I hear is Obama claiming it's Russian propaganda and escalating the war. Bush used to call it the New World Order. It's just another chapter in Obama's book of "Hope and Change". "For they are the spirits of devils working signs, and they go forth unto the kings of the whole earth, to gather them to battle against the great day of the Almighty God."

Xavier Lerma

Contact Xavier Lerma at

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Author`s name
Dmitry Sudakov