Why Russian Aerospace Forces strike Turks in Syria

Turkey has claimed that there will be no commission on investigation of the Russian Aerospace Forces' unintended strike against the Turkish military in Syria. According to a military source in Ankara, there's no need, as the 'situation is clear'. 'In the early morning just after the incident, corresponding talks were carried out with Russia. The case is about reinforcement of coordination we have and making it more effective. Negotiations are taking place now,' he claimed.
As Pravda.Ru reported, the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out an unintended strike against the Turkish positions near the Syrian town of al-Bab on 9 February. The Turks were attacking the IS terrorists then. As a result, three Turkish military men died, 11 people were injured.
The Russian leader Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to the President of Turkey Recep Erdogan.
The incident could have happened because of a fault of the Turkish Command. Uncoordinated deployment of the Turkish troops in a grid which had been meant for an airstrike could have been one of the reasons.
